New look for LePou's LE456


Nov 13, 2010
Cologne, Germany
Usually when I'm bored but feeling inspired at the same time, I do something like this - I decided to make an alternative skin for LePou's Engl Powerball amp sim (LE456). No disrespect to the original designer, it's just that I have more affection towards these more realistic skins. The only thing that I didn't model are the knobs (these are taken from actual photo of Powerball) because it takes time to do them in 3D and render each degree of a turn, as well as leather edges and metal corners (don't know how're they called - english is not my language:)). Everything is done in Photoshop, except vector shapes for LE456 logo and the grill which were made in CorelDraw (but materialization was done in PS). I would appreciate if you guys would tell me how does it look to you, do you see it as a clean and ergonomical design or not... or give any comment :)

EDIT: In the meantime, I made another skin for Legion amp sim which can be found somewhere on the second page of this thread...

EDIT 2: (deleted)

EDIT 3: Below is an actual and final release!

Holy fuck does that look slick. I'd love to see this implemented, but perhaps without the reflection thing, perhaps crop it a bit more like the rest of LePou's plugin GUIs.
^ I'm pretty sure the actual plug-in won't have that, surely it's just for presentation purposes.

I think that looks awesome, great work.
Don't worry, I do this for living! ;) But, since I appreciate other people's philanthropic actions (in this case - LePou's decision to give us these AMAZING plugins for free) then I also feel a need to participate in that and give away something of my own...

By the way, I'm actually planing to get Alain to see this thread (if he doesn't get here first) and try to convince him to use this... Unless, as I said earlier, it won't be disrespectful to original designer... (Hint for Alain: How 'bout two skins?:))

The reflection is just for presentation purpose. The actual skin is cropped to the edges of the amp ;)

Thanks for comments!
And here's the inside of the amp... I had to create transformers and these other electrical thingies, but the tubes are real (Shhh... don't tell anyone, but these are Mesa tubes, those were all I could find :) ). The inside components aren't that realistic, but I knew they were going to be barely visible behind the grill...

Holy fuck does that look slick. I'd love to see this implemented, but perhaps without the reflection thing, perhaps crop it a bit more like the rest of LePou's plugin GUIs.

That's insane! I would also love to have this implemented without the reflection and cropped. Are you going to create skins for lecto, lextac and legion also? Did you already contact LePou?
Beautiful! I'd love to see these quality skins applied to LePou's plug ins. They deserve them! The logo is sick! How about skins for LeGion and LeCto?

Well I'm just contemplating about LeGion right now - because it's an original amp sim that's not based on any actual amp, and it would be really interesting to make an original and authentic skin too!...
That's insane! I would also love to have this implemented without the reflection and cropped. Are you going to create skins for lecto, lextac and legion also? Did you already contact LePou?

I've sent a PM to Alain just a few minutes ago... And yes, I already explained that reflection is just for presentation... As for the other amps - we'll see! ;)
In your first post you asked for opinions. I think the skin is great, really modern and clean. The only thing that stands out a bit is the Poulin logo. Could you try removing the brackets and keep the upper case for the first letter only? Everything else is perfect in my opinion. Now I only would have to convince Alain to convert this plugin to mac...
In your first post you asked for opinions. I think the skin is great, really modern and clean. The only thing that stands out a bit is the Poulin logo. Could you try removing the brackets and keep the upper case for the first letter only? Everything else is perfect in my opinion. Now I only would have to convince Alain to convert this plugin to mac.

You're absolutely right about that! I was struggling with "Poulin" at the later stages of the work because I didn't know where to put it... and I know that the location where the word is positioned right now is far from adequate. I'm thinking that I should try to put it somewhere on the grill, although I avoided this in the first place... But I'll figure out something...
...And I'm on a mac too, but to make things worse - I use Pro Tools, so AU units are a no-go for me :cry:

Let's collect the funds and give them to Alain so he can buy RTAS developer kit :)
(actually, I don't know how does someone obtain the license for RTAS plugins...)