New LotFP Policy

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
OK, new issue has gone from "out REAL QUICK from the anniversary issue" to "Wait til May, kiddies" mainly because there wasn't anything in it that I thought was worth $500 to me to tell everybody about. Yup, honesty. But I've got 32 pages written and a lot more to write (some good releases have finally been trickling in) AND I have 4 interviews in the can (Swanö, Wuthering Heights, the girl from Asmegin and Ram-Zet, plus... uh... coulda sworn I had something... hmm.. maybe it's just 3 in the can) so it's going to the printer in May for sure so I can't get TOO backlogged with stuff.

But I want to just publicly announce that I've rolled my eyes once too often at bad music arriving in my mailbox by surprise, and I am honestly sick of being so cynical towards music I really do like, so this next issue will have the disclaimer prominently on the first page:

"LotFP would like to inform record labels that it would rather not receive random promos any longer, and will no longer so much as listen to any promo sent in a cardboard sleeve. LotFP would be happy to deal with record labels on a release-by-release basis, so that LotFP and the record label can reasonably expect (but not guarantee) that a particular release could be to its liking. LotFP would also like to inform record labels that anybody still sending email to the hotmail email address hasn't had a single message read since November."

So, yeah.