New Machine Head album

I already ordered it because of your ravings so shut the fuck up will you ;) :) :D

Actually, ive seen about 7 reviews for it and they all say it rocks :headbang:
:worship: :worship: IMPERIUM! :worship: :worship:

How good is the end of the song with the double bass drumming! :headbang:

Mmmmm Machinehead.
Its a cross between the first two albums basically Blitzy, though the aggressive stuff is a bit more aggressive. Just download Imperium, listen to it, get your jaw off the floor, then go buy it :)
Spruce Goose said:
Sorry Spawn. I havnt heard ANY Machine Head. What do they sound like. I also havnt heard ANY Slayer. What do they sound like?
Before we start, is this some kind of joke? :)
No joke. I seriously havnt heard ONE song from either band. Dont know why. I guess I kinda compared them to Sepultura which I hate. I dont even know why I compared them, probably because I didnt get raelly into metal till about year 9 and thought they were crap or something. To be honest, I really dont know.

You know my tastes... Would I like either band? Are they like Pantera? I like some pantera. CFH is hella cool.