new mastodon?

I found myself singing "Curl of the Burl" at work yesterday......and I can't get enough of "The Sparrow"
Crack the Skye it's not...but it's got some good stuff
Curl of the Burl really really grows on you. I'm listening to the album now, and I think it's pretty good.
I listened to Hunter after not listening to it for a while. it's okay, but gets a little tedious.

The song new seems okay. I"ll probably buy it.
im not usually one to hate a band because their vocalist. hell, i dig graveland a lot, some cathedral.....

in mastodons case i couldnt help it. their vocalist is pure shit. the music wasnt much better

:lol: wtf is this crap?! Drummer's vocals are nice I suppose.

I skipped several of their albums, but noticed they became a massive band. I was actually a little proud of humanity, because while I've never been a huge Mastodon fan, I did appreciate the fact that obviously they spent some time putting together their riffs, and anytime a weird time signature makes it into a Radio Hit that's progress I can get behind. I finally heard a chunk of this album and realized that no, they are now popular because they make pop/rock with bootyshake videos. Well done, lads!

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Didn't buy this or new Opeth album. Two of my favorite bands in which I no longer have any interest

[/old curmudgeon]