NEW MEMBER, hello...


Jul 22, 2003
well im new here, big symphony X fan... huge romeo fan... anyway,

i was hoping we could set up some kind of thread where we analyse romeo's approach to soloing in terms of picking his modes and scales...

example: eyes of the medusa, has an accending whole tone line in it, into an almost locrian arp, line (m7b5 11) as the final decending run... i think if we were to set something like this up, we would be able to see how he approaches making such colorful (many modal sounds) out of very straight forward riffs (note wise not rhythmically)...

anyway, maybe this is to nerdy, but i think the guitar players could get somethig out of it! thanks for listening...

I know YngvaiX from here (though you dont know me) and SATANIC RABBIT (is it?) ... well, hope we can all get along :)

this in essense is to go into what michael wanted from a SECOND INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO that might ONE day come out, until then we learn this stuff ourselves...
sorry guys :(

maybe this is a dumb idea, i just think theres lots to learn from these guys...
Bet23 said:
I know YngvaiX from here (though you dont know me)

*is scared* um....are you stalking me?? :eek:

hehe just kiddin dude, actually your SN looks familiar are you on johnpetrucci's forum? (I dont post there anymore, but I lurk occasionally).

This is a cool idea actually, tho I think it's better suited for the musician's corner section of the forum.
I DIDNT LOOK AROUND all the forums inside here sorry! well, ok, i'll take my rant there :(

yes, im usually on the JP forum, and (which went down the drain this last year)...
Nawww, keep it here. There will be no replys if he posts in the Musicians forum.
But yeah, sounds like a REALLY good idea. I'd love to know how he approaches things. I think he just put in what sounds good to him. I read ina interveiw that he will just improvise alot of the solo (but with a purpose in mind) and will record it. He'll then sort out what licks he likes out of it. And what ones he doesn't - he just leaves them out and records the olo again putting the licks he likes and filling in new ones in the places in the ones he doesn't like. Sometimes he'll take 50 tries to make it perfect., but when he does! Oh fuck yeah baby, they're perfect.
well, i agree he does what sounds good to him, but its obvious that his playing isnt all spontanious all the time, lots of his ideas, as he puts it ("is somewhat like a jazz approach, where you look at each chord and figure a chord scale that will work") so, in most solos he will go WITH VARIOUS CHORD SCALES, thus making things sound so COOL, his leads tend to have licks we have grown used to, but the tend to be really colorful in terms of note choice (interval choice) and scale choice...

also, he tends to have a great grasp on melodic patterns and odd rhythmic groupings (like he explains on the YOUNG GUITAR video)...

i just think theres lots to learn from a player of his caliber...
you sure know your shit. But yeah, he tends to go out of the normal chord and scale relationship. Like, if there is a C69, most semi-advance players will play a mixolydian, but he might do a lick with alterd and exotic scales like a Dorian(added-major3rd) scale. or just expariment with different with moving from two scales or more over the same chord. It odds it up. But thats just an example.
lol... thanks for the compliment MR SHRED... i dont think I know all that much! just got to keep working at it... but anyway, i see what youre saying, he does tend to use these synthetic scales, where he just combines a few notes (not really thinking of modal sounds)... he talks about it briefly in the YG vid...

does anybody know any songs with melodic minor modes in them from romeo? i cant think of one? even if its just a passage, ALT DOM maybe?
The other guys here pretty much covered it all, and I'm far not the best player here (it seems), but as for the 'rhythmical' question, I think I can help.

When I was younger I listened to an awful lot of YJM. That made me 'assimilate' some of his approaches in my playing and writing without even thinking about it.

My guess is that you just have to listen to MJR alot to understand his way of writing.

One more thing - In an article by Marty Friedman I read that he DOES know all this scales stuff, but the never EVER thinks about it when he writes. In other words is pretty much only using it for harmonizatins. My guess is that MJR has a similar way of work.
Welcome to the forum! Feel free to start up a thread such as you suggested in the Musician's Forum, we have lots of musicians posting here who I'm sure would be interested in participating. :)