new metal song for you!

I like this track like I dig most of your stuff Ronnie....

I agree that the drums are overdone in terms of (the drum track) kinda reminds me of Devin Townsend a bit for some reason.

You just love your EZ Drummer dontcha? :)...join the club!
got ya I was a little confused when you said "i record the guitar first with guitar rig. the after the track is done i´ll process the guitars with the same preset." by the way do you get a lot of noise when not playing with vol. still up? dam I need to fix my heads
SocialNumb said:
got ya I was a little confused when you said "i record the guitar first with guitar rig. the after the track is done i´ll process the guitars with the same preset." by the way do you get a lot of noise when not playing with vol. still up? dam I need to fix my heads

when direct monitoring, it gets kinda noisy.
Ohhh Cool... it's really good. I like the guitarsound... it's much better than mine. I don't like the snare... i can't figure out why... sometimes it sounds okay, well it doesn't matter cause the number is catchy as hell... more!!