New Metallica dvd...


Apr 14, 2001
METALLICA's new album, "St. Anger", will include a free bonus DVD featuring the band playing all 11 songs from the album in a live setting, according to Recording began last Friday, March 21, in the rehearsal space at the METALLICA headquarters 45 minutes outside of San Francisco, with the band performing six songs. Click here to view pictures taken during the shoot.

"There will be no fancy shit, just METALLICA doing what they do best, kicking your ass," states a message on the site. "And don't worry, the CD will be regularly priced, we just wanna throw in some extra free shit for you guys!"

Directing the project is Wayne Isham ("Enter Sandman", "Sad But True", "I Disappear", "Cunning Stunts", "S&M"). Wayne and his crew "captured the awesome vibe and thunderous new tunes." The next five songs for the DVD will be shot soon.

"St. Anger" is scheduled for release on June 10 through Elektra Records.

Now thats pretty damn good value for money I say :headbang:
Easy way to sell another shitty album. Package it free with a live DVD.
But if it's a performance of the songs on the CD, then what's the attraction if the album itself is dodgy? That's like getting a free live video of A Real Live One.
Bloody hell, how can people complain about something thats free? Thats like being pissed off that the album you downloaded on MP3 sucks!

Just be happy you get something for nothing, life sucks enough without complaining about free stuff! /forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
No, I'm just wondering why it would be something that would make people want to buy something that could very well be an inferior product. Now get off your high horse, Spawny. :)
I don't think it is really an added extra to makes fans say 'I will get it now regardless', it is more of a bonus for the fans who do buy it and dig the material. Spiff is right, if the album sucks, then the bonus won't be too crash hot either, but if someone buys the album and likes it, they will have a cool bonus with it.

Thats why I said it is giving back to the fans, because it is a bonus for those who buy it, it isn't a scheme to try and get old fans to buy it regardless. :)
Spiff said:
No, I'm just wondering why it would be something that would make people want to buy something that could very well be an inferior product. Now get off your high horse, Spawny. /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Ok, looking back at every Metallica album ever released, which one would you say you WOULDNT want a free dvd of the songs being played with the album? Reload to me is the worst Metallica album, but it still has its highlights and id happily watch a dvd like that if it came with it :D
Actually, I'm all for this type of pro-active anti-piracy thing. It's much better than sticking errors and copy protection onto the cds themselves which a) doesn't let me use the CD the way I want to and b) presupposes that every single person who buys the album is a criminal.

Now if this were combined with a way to actually by MP3s or some other electronic format of the music as a preview for something like 50 cents a song, then I think they'd find the whole piracy issue will just fade away.

I know I'd buy a whole lot more music that I currently get for nothing.
I prefer to buy the cd's - as anyone who has seen my cd collection would attest too.

If I hear an album on mp3 and I like it (i.e. I dont delete the mp3's) I will buy it. At the moment the buying will wait a few months though thanks to a certain little holiday I am doing at the end of July....

Now - where did those mp3's of the new Blaze album go....
Sounds pretty cool actually, and will likely convince people to buy it, but my question is: Will the DVD extra actually be free? Like, will the album come at a standard price of $30, including the DVD, or will it be $40? 'Coz if it costs $40, the DVD part ain't free, is it?
Yeah, it will only cost $30 for both. Personally, I shat my pants when I read about the DVD...

My take on it is that its introducing Rob to the fans... like Garage Days did with Jason.
If Maiden did it the release of the album would be held back for 15 months while Steve edited it :)