New Michael Moore documentary "Sicko"


Nov 9, 2005
New-Brunswick, Canada
I just now finished watching it and I must admit, I never knew americans had it THAT bad. Just to think a couple days ago I was complaining about getting a blood test and waiting in the emergency room for 2 hours to get a prescription that ultimately cost a little over 10$ that pretty much worked like a charm. Other than that I just had to flash them my medicare card and didn't pay a cent for the hospital visit.

Seeing as there are many Americans here on this board, I'd HIGHLY recommend watching this film. Since this is an american-based server I don't know if posting a link to it would be bannable so I'll just say it's available on any torrent tracker.

Anyways, this is pretty much the most amazing thing I've watched in a long time. Some parts had me nearly in tears, it beats the shit out of Farhenheit 9/11.

Won't have to worry about copies getting seized by the Feds after all as his new controversial film makes its way around BitTorrent tracker sites everywhere.

A couple of days ago it was reported that Michael Moore had decided to stash a copy of his latest and greatest documentary "Sicko," an apparently scathing expose on the US healthcare system, in Canada just in case the Feds decided to confiscate it.

He feared such a seizure because of the fact that part of the documentary was filmed in Cuba without proper authorization from the US Treasury Department. Its illegal for US citizens to travel to Cuba because of a trade embargo in place since 1962.

Moore insists he hasn't broken any laws because he traveled to Cuba for a "journalistic endeavor."

"We brought back 15 minutes of the movie and we're concerned about any possible confiscation efforts," Moore told a news conference in New York.

I really want to see this! To me Fahrenheit 9/11 was way too biased for it to be a legit documentary, but from what I've been hearing about this, it's a good movie. I'm going to see it in the theater eventually.
Heh, Yasmin's got the "biased" part down. I agree that the US's medical system is shot to crap, but I dislike Michael Moore and all of his "documentaries" because they masquerade as fact when they are simply opinion with some doctored statistics thrown in to convince the easily persuaded.

Perhaps it's because I vehemently despise both major political parties? Anyway, I won't be watching this.
Only first world nation without socialized health care.
Medicare D's doughnut hole is estimated to be 7000 in 7 years.
Fuck the USA, Canada here I come.
I really want to see this! To me Fahrenheit 9/11 was way too biased for it to be a legit documentary, but from what I've been hearing about this, it's a good movie. I'm going to see it in the theater eventually.
Farenheit 9/11 made me want to kick Michael Moore in the Balls. But this actually looks like it's worth me breaking my vow never to pay to see a Michael Moore film ever again.
I'm with Kenneth on this one.
While I too, DESPISE Mikey Moore, the healthcare situation is beyond "fukt"
in this country. Lots of things related to it are as well. Illegals without healthcare get better treatment than people who have been here, or are here legally, but don't have coverage. Seems like a lot of countries have their shit together when it comes to this socialized medicine, but we can't get it together here.
havent seen the movie yet, but the very brief time i spent in the states made me realise years ago how bad the healthcare system is over there. i heard a story from an ex-relative-in-law who paid all of their working life into their healthcare fund, only to be dropped by them the second this person was diagnosed with cancer. and apparently thats entirely legal for the healthcare fund to do..

our healthcare isnt the best, but at least its free i suppose (even that's changing though with new medicare policies)
Michael moore is a modern day genius,with a ton of balls to tell it how it is:worship:

Genius? How it is? :lol: :erk: :zombie: I certainly wouldn't rank him among the greatest contributors to mankind or the most admirable advocates of truth. He's just a guy with an opinion, a biased one like everyone else. He just thinks his is more important than most people. Kinda like Al Gore. I wonder if he drives a hybrid, or if the inconvenient truth is he ritz's around in some sedan.
Genius? How it is? :lol: :erk: :zombie: I certainly wouldn't rank him among the greatest contributors to mankind or the most admirable advocates of truth. He's just a guy with an opinion, a biased one like everyone else. He just thinks his is more important than most people. Kinda like Al Gore. I wonder if he drives a hybrid, or if the inconvenient truth is he ritz's around in some sedan.

He puts enormous research and time to make one of these eye openers, and even if he was talking about my own country i would believe the man. I mean George bush isn't everyones cup of tea, and the gun laws you have in the states are scary!!!!Havn't seen the new movie yet but it's high on my list.
You don't seem very well informed buddy. At the start of this thread I clarified that I despise both major parties (Bush and his 'tards included) but that also includes Moore and HIS 'tards.

If you think this guy's "research" is any good and that it's believable truth, without even looking into the sources (yes, I mean more than just reading/watching what he picks and chooses from them)... If you don't even take the time to assess those sources to see if THEY even know what they're talking about and where they're getting their conclusions, then sir you are well-snowed, as we say up here. Tricked would be another polite term for it.

Example on how anyone can fudge statistics to make them say whatever you want:
Let's make up a story. Let's say that every year, 10 billion lemmings go kill themselves. Let's say that because of some mean old factory polluting the area, an estimated 10,005,000,000 lemmings kill themselves instead that year. I could twist these hard numbers two ways:

>>>I could say OH MY GOD WHAT A CRISIS!! 5 MILLION more lemmings killed themselves this year because of this factory!! It's a tragedy!

>>>Or I could try and convince you otherwise: The increase in suicides was hardly affected, it was not even a tenth of a percent! In fact it was only 0.05% of increase!

Other positions:
>>>I could also be a stickler and point out that the second figure is just an estimate, so how can we be sure that an increase so small as 0.05% even happened at all when the accuracy of estimation is not so high? Maybe the factory isn't a cause at all.
[Also under this heading I could question the methods and validity of the findings of these numbers]

>>>Or I just don't care about lemmings. They're a nuissance anyway so let them go kill themselves, more factories!!

>>>The following year, only 9 billion lemmings killed themselves. So perhaps that fact was left out, and in a graph showing the previous two years, one could make all the conclusions above. With the new data, one could say that the factory's presence actually LOWERED the number of suicides. One must obtain the complete data for an accurate conclusion.

The moral of the story is there are many ways to interpret raw data, and raw data itself should be examined as to how it was gathered. Knowing the complete raw data and how it was obtained, one can confidently hypothesize a conclusion.

And yet, around the world, many, many people are easily convinced of "statistical facts" as-presented by biased individuals with agendas. They lazily do not even research such "facts" or try to contextualize the situation. Instead they simply accept. It's so much easier to just say "yeah, ok" than to think. THAT is why I despise Michael Moore, and at least half of America.