New mix I finished today

The Creator

Jun 7, 2007
Recorded most of this last night and finished it today.
I wrote this song different then I usually do- it's based of the guitar lead which I was messing around with and then came up with the rhythm parts and such.
I tried to make the drums a little more interesting then I usually do as well- more fills and such,
I mastered this track pretty quiet compared to modern releases so if it's too quiet turn it up :p

Edit- Move to rate my mix sub-forum- oops
Why, does this forum not have moderators? That's how it works on forums that work properly- when someone puts something in the wrong forum it gets moved, I'm sure you understand the concept?
If he read in the first place my edit saying oops I put it the wrong place then he wouldn't have had to make his useless post- I know where it goes but somehow I managed to stick it in main forum.
this forum tends to self-moderate very well. When people put stuff in the wrong place they just go oops and repost in the right place. There's no need for moderators to do the day to day running, we do that ourselves, but Brett or Andy will make a thread a sticky if it's a really valuable source of information.
Well I wanted to avoid reposting it but I'll simply repost it in the right section since you say this is pretty much a self moderated forum.