New Mix (Killswitch Engageish)

hey man, ive only listened through my headphones, but it sounds great

id say it slightly more heavy compared to killswitch, i mean like not as melodic (not in a bad way), haha kinda hard to explain what i mean, but it sounds great man

what did you use on this? drums? guitars?

Hey man, let's see - snare is too loud and too middy (at around 1k I'd say, but don't hold me to that), guitars have that kinda gritty digital Line 6 quality but aren't bad otherwise, and I like the kick fine! The riffs are cool, but in the second one, you alternate the power chords under that lick between two chords; the second isn't doing it for me, I'd honestly just vote staying on the first the whole time! (the one on the 6th)
I updated the link with more click on the kick and more 200hz on the snare. I also turned it down a little bit. I still feel like it may be a little loud. Thanks for all the advice!
Sounds great. Definitely the best tone I've heard from Pod Farm. I really need to check Pod Farm out since it's fairly cheap. I like the riffs too and can't wait to hear the song when your finished with it.
okay. i think he was lying when he said he did this with podfarm. lame.


EMDProdukt I agree with you. I am gonna be reamping this through my Krank when the song is finished because I don't particularly like this tone a whole lot but it works great as a scratch guitar sound to get the ideas down.

Pod Farm Tone

Pod farm tone for those who want it. It uses the Dual rec model from the stock set of amps so you won't need any expansions for it. I also used the Tubescreamer Secret VST in front of Pod Farm but I included the Tubescreamer I use in Pod Xt in that patch. Sorry about the wait, I have been extremely busy the last couple of days. Thanks guys for the feedback!