New mix with a new TOY!


Sounds great man! Rhythm guitars are middy as in 1 to 1.5k mids to my untrained ears - in a good way that keeps them present but not overpowering in the mix. Vocals sound great, really well mixed.

I think the snare sounds a bit weird, but that may be because I just was mixing another song with a totally different snare sound, kick stands out a lot, a bit more than I like but that's what most people strive for I guess. I'd like a tad more bass tbh, but it's no big deal. Listening to my stuff now sounds a bit lifeless actually. :D

The end of the song particularly sounds gorgeous.
great mix, and production. I like how the drums don't dominate but still present. What is your effects chain on vocals?


Then i ran a buss with some distortion on it and blended send a little of the main vox there. I used the Sansamp plugin and its very light but just gave it some cool feeling that i missed if muted the buss.

I also sent the main vox to a plate reverb.

That's it, give me back my Finalizer!

J/K, although I am looking for another one!

Yea you will pay double correct? :lol:

Yea Nate i just tracked that band last week that you played a show with up here with. They were like "we met some dude that knows you from online" I'm like oh yea thats Nate! They had good thing to say about you and said your band fucking tore it up. I will show you there new stuff when i finish mixing....
Is that something a lot of you encounter in the studio? I mean, it makes sense as rides are usually much more stout but... ?

BTW Josh, the mix is great. GREAT POD tone. Great everything!


Well i think Ive had it happen like 3x were the drummer had a ride in the crash position and used as a crash and then had a separate ride. Then Ive had like 6 drummers use the ride as a crash and never even use the bell or anything, but it was in normal ride position. If that makes any sence.
I would be interested to hear mix only, with no comp/limiting/finalizing. Could you post a little part ?

+1 !!!!!!!!!!!! it's such a bright and shimmery mix, something i find mine always lacking, and i want to see how much of this bright shimmer is from the finalizer/ozone.

on that note, what's going on with the overheads? choice of mics/pres? the sparkle slices through just crispy, i'm lovin it
wow dude. that is some good POD tact :) if I could get my L6 stuff sounding that good, I'd be one happy man. looooove the band too. I'm a big misery signals fan. if I were to complain about one thing (besides you being so much better at getting sick POD tones than I am) I would say the group chants are a little loud.