New MP3 while we wait?


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Since material has been recorded, but the album indefinately delayed while the label shit gets sorted out, what are the chances of "releasing" a demo MP3 on the website to tide over the fans while we wait impatiently?

The live Superhero MP3 is cool and all, but the quality is really shitty...I'd much rather hear something done a little more professionally! :headbang:
But with the way things have been going....I'm not gonna hold my breath.

I wonder if the band reads these posts, and can feel our angst? It's like we're all expecting a much-wanted child, and the labor starts----but---AHAA!!!--it's false labor!! Back home you go, to wait again!


I think I'm gonna go grab myself a Blatz!
Vacation rules! Waiting sux!
I want instant gratification NOW!
They played another new song (which one I don't remember) at some of thier headlining gigs prior to and during nights off of the Priest tour. It is just a matter of time before I find somebody who either filmed it or recorded it on audio.......yes, I am searching.