New Neverboarder on the way!

No no, abitero' qua finche' moriro', :lol:

Sono stato nell'aeronautica degli Stati Uniti qualche anno fa e ho deciso di licenziarmi e rimanere in Italia. Sono un insengnante d'inglese. Se vuoi ascoltare il mio gruppo e nostro album, vai a CI SERVE UN CANTANTE IERI!!!!

Si si, so dov'e Puglia. In fatti, il mio altro gruppo ha una data il prossimo anno li...forse ci vediamo! Sarebbe bello!

In any case, it's always nice to see ppl from Italy posting. There's another guy, Galiral, who lives in Rome that posts here sometimes. Have fun and don't take ANYTHING seriously here. We should probably go back to English because it's kinda rude to speak a foreign language when no one else knows it. I just like to practice my written Italian because I never get the chance to, as you see I've got an American keyboard. My spoken is much better than my written.

When did we care about rudeness on this forum?
I know how Italians communicate...

And there you have it. Eric, the ambassador of douchbaggery. And yet he has a special place in all our hearts and the board. <3
Eric is the enemy of Serious Business. And any enemies of Serious Business, are friends of mine :)

Eric the cutest human being on Earth, have we finished with the bullshit-time?
Yeah, Eric, are u ready now with bitching around?