New Nevermore

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Soooo... Today, February 16th... This is the day Nevermore starts recording with Andy !!! A day to remember for sure ! Let's hope Andy will be able to keep us informed about the events and maybe share some clips or videos with us ! Can't wait !!!
hmmm, am I the only one hoping for some more old school vocals from Warrell? (think Sanctuary). He touched on it a bit on Enemies and while I know he isn't trying to sound exactly as he did in the old days, I still love those high notes.
I want to hear some more sick heavy songs with insane double bass and ripping solos, and some awesome ballads too. "Dead Heart In A Dead World" is always going to be a tough act to follow...
I really believe in Nevermore. I think they have the potential to top their back catalogue including my personal favorite Dead Heart...
guess what i love enemies the way it is,the songs are better than all the stuff before and those songs didnt need a killer sound to be killer songs.
and all this was a result of maturity so this new CD is gonna be the best coz we have the best Nevermore and the best Producer!!
I can't wait for the updates. I'd LOVE to see some pics of the guitar micing setups, the amp settings, pedals, drum micing, etc, but any info will suffice. This is gonna be fantastic.
All the best to you guys. Hope the process is smooth and results in an ass-kicking metal release. I really loved the videos that were done with testament and kreator... maybe we can get some of those again?? :) /end wishfullness