New Nokturnal Mortum's been leaked

in the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed are kings says:
new nokturnal mortum!

(chatlogs are funny)
Friend's FTP. I barely concentrated at all on my first listen, I'll try again tomorrow. :erk: Watch out for it on DC, it'll pop up somewhere I'm sure.
This is what I said in the Weltanschauung thread @ the RC forum:

Henrik Main said:
This is genius. I'm listening to it right now. You are SO going to cream your pants while listening to "I Feel The Breath Of Ragnarok". Those folk elements are ghghgnaaarghaeirj, damn, they're good. The song is mid-paced, epic as fekk, with very subtle keyboard use (fantastic melodies) and it's got a beautiful, almost happy-sounding folk part that reminds me of Drudkh's "Sunwheel". Lots of fighting samples too.

Henrik Main said:
This release is insane. It's beyond good. I'm just a casual fan of their previous work, but this.. This is.. Argh.. TOo much. The title track is MAJESTIC, HUGE, ENORMOUS and TWISTED. Marksveld, prepare to lose your virginity - listening to this album IS THE SAME THING AS HAVING SEX.
Warlord Of Death said:
Nokturnal Mortum is impressive musically, it sucks since I still don't own a single album of theirs. The Taste of Victory gets a bad rap alot, how is this one compared to that?

Very similiar. Most of the tracks on Taste of Victory are actually on the new release. It's an amazing release. Yes, a bit different from their older stuff, but different does not equal bad. It is better than 95% of other shit to come out imho.