Metal 2007...The Official Thread

Black Death is an awesome fucking band. Seriously. As are Stone Vengeance and Sound Barrier.
Because the thought of someone playing metal besides a white guy is refreshing.

Exactly. The metal genre is dominated by white Americans and northern Europeans. And it's cool to see others taking up metal. Also, the idea of a metal band from a third world country is cool.

That being said, everyone should check out my review of Crackdust's debut.;)
So what's the fate of this thread going to be?

I think it should stay here for a couple more months before being locked and archived.
My favorite metal albums from 2007 are below in no order:

Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Peste Noire - Folkfuck Folie
Walknut - Graveforests and Their Shadows
Shining - V: Halmstad (Niklas Angående Niklas)
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Kroda - Fimbulvinter
Sorry for bumping this, but are people still using it? I mean it's been over a year since 2007 was over. It's mostly been sitting here.