The official metal 2010 thread!

New Atheist is not bad, I'll give it a couple more listens. The first track, Second to Sun is pretty crap (as we all know) but the album does get better.

. . . Try listening again. Trash.

The guitar style has picked up way too much influence from other bands, almost like deathcore or something, the songs themselves sound like something Mastodon would have written a few years ago, and the vocals are horrendous.
I heard Sargeist has an album coming out this year (if not out already). I will have to investigate

Yes, they released a new album which is called Let the Devil In. I have to say, it's a very good album, surely a top 10 competitor album.

This record is great. Very traditional doom with 70s psychedelic/progressive elements; but they do it well.

SUCH a good record
new Mitochondrion next week as well.

"Profound Lore Closed Dec 9 - 13

Profound Lore will be closed from Dec 9 - 13 to indulge in the madness that is the Rites Of Darkness II Fest taking place in San Antonio, Texas. Several of our bands will also be performing, namely DISMA and VASAELETH who will make their live debut. The line-up is sick nonetheless but it sucks that Weapon had to cancel.

All orders that get placed during this tenure get processed, packed, and shipped on the 14th upon our return (even though it will probably be a miracle if there are no delayed flights and even more of a miracle if our flight(s) home from Texas goes according to scheduled without any problems). The last batch of orders that get placed before our departure go out first thing on the morning of Wed, Dec 8th. Also upon our return we will be putting up the AGALLOCH hoodies for sale in which we did a limited amount of to coincide with their new album "Marrow Of The Spirit". They came out very nice. So keep an eye out for those when we finally put them up for sale. Also upon our return that week we will be putting up the new MITOCHONDRION album "Parasignosis" up for sale exclusively through our website prior to its official Jan 2011 release date."