The official metal 2011 thread

new Vektor album artwork


scheduled to be released on Nov. 15 ... cant fucking wait.

This is gonna rock so hard.
New Kongh song has been released.

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Nah, that's the vocalist from Yob in that video. I think they were touring together and he just did guest vocals.
November 2011 releases:

01.11 Metsatöll - Ulg
01.11 Throne Of Katarsis - Ved Graven
01.11 Megadeth - Th1rt3en
01.11 Mournful Congregation - The Book Of Kings
02.11 Mokoma - Varjopuoli
04.11 The SLoT - F5
04.11 Animals As Leaders - Weightless
04.11 Lost Dreams - Blinded By Rage
04.11 Arryan Path - Ira Imperium
07.11 Night In Gales - Five Scars
07.11 Autumn - Cold Comfort
08.11 Leviathan - True Traitor, True Whore
08.11 Ghoul - Transmission Zero
08.11 Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly
08.11 Gnaw Their Tongues - Per Flagellum Sanguemque, Tenebras Veneramus
09.11 Se, Josta Ei Puhuta - Musta, Kylmä, Syvä Ja Samea
11.11 Blut Aus Nord - 777 - The Desanctification
11.11 Haemoth - In Nomine Odium
11.11 Eclipse Hunter - Unlimited Edition
11.11 Nocte Obducta - Verderbnis (Der Schnitter Kratzt An Jeder Tür)
11.11 Esoteric - Paragon Of Dissonance
11.11 Thy Catafalque - Rengeteg
14.11 Marionette - Nerve
15.11 Encoffination - O' Hell, Shine In Thy Whited Sepulchres
15.11 Vile - Metamorphosis
17.11 Nemesea - The Quiet Resistance
18.11 Illnath - Third Act In The Theatre Of Madness
18.11 Dragonland - Under The Grey Banner
18.11 Milking The Goatmachine - Clockwork Udder
18.11 Iron Savior - The Landing
18.11 Mortal Sin - Psychology Of Death
18.11 Mastercastle - Dangerous Diamonds
18.11 Coronatus - Terra Incognita
18.11 Ancient Bards - Soulless Child
21.11 Andromeda - Manifest Tyranny
21.11 Krux - III - He Who Sleeps Amongst The Stars
21.11 Soul Secret - Closer To Daylight
22.11 Vektor - Outer Isolation
25.11 Souldrainer - Heaven's Gate
25.11 Theocracy - As The World Bleeds
25.11 Mystic Prophecy - Ravenlord
25.11 Nucleus Torn - Golden Age
25.11 Crossfade - Secret Love
26.11 Cardamon - Sun As Never
28.11 Venom - Fallen Angels
28.11 Arena - The Seventh Degree Of Separation
28.11 Enid - Munsalvaesche
28.11 The Man-Eating Tree - Harvest
29.11 Vengeful - Vengeful
29.11 Royal Hunt - Show Me How To Live
30.11 Soziedad Alkoholika - Cadenas De Odio
30.11 Nightwish - Imaginaerum
Albums I’m currently looking forward to (some of them may not make it in 2011):

- new Encoffination.
- new Arghoslent.
- new fucking Revenge (have you heard the youtube samples? it will kill your family)
- Antediluvian album!
- Wrathprayer album!
- new Embrace of Thorns album
The new Farsot, Oranssi Pazuzu and Lantlos are all very interesting on first listen. "Agape" is immediately addictive. I've listened to it three times in 24 hours. I really love the concept behind "Insects" and its really powerful on first listen. All three bands are doing a lot of different and original stuff.