Garbage Connoisseur
November 2011 releases:
01.11 Mournful Congregation - The Book Of Kings
08.11 Leviathan - True Traitor, True Whore
08.11 Ghoul - Transmission Zero
11.11 Blut Aus Nord - 777 - The Desanctification
11.11 Nocte Obducta - Verderbnis (Der Schnitter Kratzt An Jeder Tür)
15.11 Encoffination - O' Hell, Shine In Thy Whited Sepulchres
15.11 Vile - Metamorphosis
All these seem interesting. Already bought transmission zero, ghoul fans should get it, it's more of their death/thrash/grind insanity... but with a strange 8 minute almost traditional doom metal song in there.
Also, here's some more stuff coming out this month:
Mortuary Drape - Secret Sudaria reissue by dark descent (17th)
Necrophile (Jpn) - Mementos in the Misting Woods by dark descent (28th) Demo and ep collection of an early, "thrashy death" band from japan.
and this, which looks fucking badass, even though I can only small pictures

Ritual Necromancy - Oath of the Abyss
(15th, again, dark descent)Following a vicious four-track demo; Portland's Ritual Necromancy began the ground-work for their full-length, the soon-to-be titled "Oath of the Abyss. Early on it was quite evident that Ritual Necromancy wasnt the type of band that was going to lift the spirits of the listener with easy going music. The eerie cover art for Oath of the Abyss, created by Josh McAlear, is an early indication of the type of punishing treat the recipient shall receive. With no compromise, Oath of the Abyss is a murky and sinister debut that delivers exhausting and suffocating death metal in spades.