New Norther EP coming soon.


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Finland's NORTHER have set an April 19 tentative release date for their new EP, "Solution 7". The CD will contain five songs, including an as-yet-undisclosed re-recording of an old song. Recording sessions for the disc began on December 24 at Astia Studios in Lappeenranta, Finland.

NORTHER's third full-length album, "Death Unlimited", was released last year through Spinefarm Records.

As previously reported, NORTHER's Petri Lindroos has been named a permanent member of the Finnish folk-influenced melodic death metal band ENSIFERUM. Lindroos will handle the vocals and guitar in the group, which parted ways with singer/guitarist Jari Mäenpää in 2004.

(Thanks: Endless War)

What is this band like? I have heard them being compared to Children of Bodom. I may be interested in checking them out. Anyone have any info on this band for me? I know there are some fans here.
They do sound like CoB, but they'll use an 'epic' sounding keyboard melody once in a while and not be so terrible. :)