New Novermbers Doom MP3 and Artwork

Novembers Doom = Blind Buy


although their best album is still:


because I like that sound of dual guitar interplay :kickass:
wow that WAS a fast sample track... definetly pretty good sounding though, I'm looking forward to seeing them with Agalloch in a few weeks :D
Blind buy and I haven't heard the track yet!!

EDIT: Every bit as good as I was hoping for. Absolutely enthralled with the heavier direction, without sacrificing the smooth accessibility of Paul's vocals - some of the best in the business IMO.
this is the first time I hear a November Doom's track and it's pretty excellent. You guys say it's faster than usual? I guess they were more "doomy" (without trying to be sarcastic) before?
AsModEe said:
this is the first time I hear a November Doom's track and it's pretty excellent. You guys say it's faster than usual? I guess they were more "doomy" (without trying to be sarcastic) before?
On their latest release, they more mid-paced. They're definitely a quality band that deserves to be heard by all. Paul, the lead singer, has some of the best harsh/clean vocals in the business, and the rest of the band is equally as good.

AsModEe said:
this is the first time I hear a November Doom's track and it's pretty excellent. You guys say it's faster than usual? I guess they were more "doomy" (without trying to be sarcastic) before?

Yeah, their first album is trudgingly slow and doomy. They've evolved over time into a somewhat progressive death-doom act. I've been a fan for a few years now.
Last time they had an album out, Paul and one of the others came and posted in the thread about it here, didn't they?

cool guys, and their live show is pretty great too!