New or Old katatonia? Whats your Favorite?

I think every album is different from another...And with people who group DODS and BMD...I don't think so...completely different sounds. Only thing I can see going together is BMD and SOD...other than that Katatonia have made a unique sound on each and every record...and I enjoy every last second of every song.

Hail all Katatonia!

Yeah... Okey, then.

Oldest era - DODS
Old era - BMD
Old, but not THAT old era - DO
Sort of in the middle era - TD
Pretty new, but still a little old era - LFDGD
New, but could have been newer era - VE
Newest (for now) era - TGCD

And i prefer the "New, but could have been newer" and the "Newest (for now)" eras.

Haha...didn't have to do that :p
Ah well, depends on the mood...i miss the early days though. They've evolved a hell of a lot over the years and just keep getting better and better.

I'd love to hear the band play the likes of Brave and Rainroom live - with Daniel on drums, em, perhaps shortened versions *s*

And i agree with daimonion, i see your point!

I'd love to see Rainroom live! And as far as different eras are concerned, I agree with Daimonion that there are 3 primary eras: old (DODS-BMD), middle (DO-LFDGD), and New (VE-TGCD). When I think of their new stuff though, I tend to group everything from DO on, seeing as it was their biggest musical transition (because of the switch to all clean vocals). Don't get me wrong; I love the older stuff too, but if I had to pick my favorite Katatonia albums I'd have to go with LFDGD and TGCD.
The eternal question.

Though I have long said that my favorite Katatonia album is Brave Murder Day, I love it all. Both old (pre-Saw You Drown) and new (post-Sounds of Decay) are katatonic and excellent. They're just different.
That's why I'm into newer Katatonia. It will forever be special and one of a kind, and a extreme metal lovers big secret love. :p
it has come in leaps and bounds.

I like the newer stuff, but Discouraged ones really has an edge to it.. Second to that LFDGD was a masterpiece of songwriting, and TGCD is a production feast.

Depends what I am in the mood for, but DODS was in my opinion a bit of a hash (ahh what have I said) compaired to todays stuff DODS does feel like a demo tape.. albeit a very very good one at that.

Can they keep it going (better bloody do cos the rest of the music out there is shit)

While I usually appreciate doom/death, the older stuff is too minimalist for me.
And I just happen to be a production whore. You'll find very little stuff older than, say, 1995 in my CD collection.

I listen to LFDGD, VE and TGCD a lot. I mean, a LOT. I do listen to some of the older stuff, but very rarely.
i dont think raw and clean vox defines new and old. its not that easy anymore. it has started sounding weird to refer to something that was made 10 years ago as "new"... when will it be legit to call it old then?
You have a point. Technically speaking, albums like DO are old. I guess everyone is just so used to calling everything since DO the new period. Personally, I'd call it the middle period. But as long as the band is continually evolving and refining their sound, the band will continue to progress. I mean, if a song like Unfurl is any indication of what's coming next, it looks like Katatonia has taken the sound of TGCD one step further. So eventually, even VE and TGCD will seem old compared to future material.
I discovered Katatonia by listening to their latest album and then I've gradually worked my way through their back catalogue. I definitely like both styles but if I had to pick one I'd pick their 'new' era. Favourite album is still probably TGCD but BMD is like no album I've ever heard. It has to be the darkest album ever; the sound is amazing.