New PAIN Album in May 2011?


Sep 22, 2009
Germany, NRW
PAIN said:


What the hell is going on?!

Well… It’s been a while since the last update and we thought it was about time to let you in on a couple of things.

The last couple of months every one of us has been pretty busy with anything but PAIN. As you may know Peter has been concentrating on Hypocrisy this year and recently came home from a successful tour in South America. David, who just got signed up with Zildjian, is working for Unique Pyrotechnic along with doing a lot of different stand-in club shows in Sweden. Johan became a dad in August (best wishes from us all), and the more time spent away from PAIN means the more time spent with his family. Michael is working with different side projects along with his work for Digidesign.

Now, the following months will be dedicated to PAIN and to finish the new songs. Up till today 8 songs are more or less ready to go, and at least 3 or 4 more are needed before we can start recording. Our plans are to start the recordings in late 2010 or early 2011, and have the album ready for a world wide release sometime in May 2011. After that we’re about to hit the road and do as many of the summer festivals as we can. Of course there will be a headline tour as well, and if everything works out we’ll even break new grounds. Work has also begun with designing a new stage set that will be something out of the average.

As you may understand we’re more eager than ever to record this album, make it the best, and play it for you live. So stay tuned and visit our websites for continuous information, studio reports, album details, and the first showdates for 2011.


Yeah, great news! I thought i'd open a thread in which we can post updates on the new album or just discuss the facts given.
I wondered about when in spring it will be that they are possibly publishing their next record...
I can't await it :)

seems like they ARE giving many concerts next year, like one of them said in the "quest"-thread.
Hopefully they are making it again to the W:O:A next year^^ (they've already been there 2009 so I guess that the chances aren't that low for them to come especially when they got a new record at hand)

I'm curious about the supportband(s) for their tour... last time has it been "brother firetribe" when I saw them in Cologne (but if I remember correctly, there had been another band for other locations across Germany - but I forgot which one it was)^^

:kickass: :rock:
There's something weird...I thought Peter was playing and recording everything himself during studio sessions, as well as writting all the tracks and the lyrics, now according to this update, its more of a ''We'' project now? Everyone writes and everyone records during studio sessions?

I'm curious about the supportband(s) for their tour... last time has it been "brother firetribe" when I saw them in Cologne (but if I remember correctly, there had been another band for other locations across Germany - but I forgot which one it was)^^

:kickass: :rock:

It was Brother Firetribe on the whole European Headline Tour 2009, and it was Zonaria on the European Headline Tour 2007.
There's something weird...I thought Peter was playing and recording everything himself during studio sessions, as well as writting all the tracks and the lyrics, now according to this update, its more of a ''We'' project now? Everyone writes and everyone records during studio sessions?

Ha ha ha.. You see... Even thou Peter is the boss everybody is pulling their straw to the stack. Everybody is playing their part and everybody has a roll to fill, and thats what makes us a band. I can only speak for my self. I'm not involved in the writing. I can always tell Peter what I think thou and I always do. Then if he listens to me, I don't know. I'm a pyrotech, I work with our shows. I'm also composing most of our news updates, press releases and blog posts, etc. I drink beer. And when it comes to recording, I will lay down all the drumtracks on the next album. And I will take every chance I get to influence or affect the album to travel in a direction that I think makes it better. :rock:
Ha ha ha.. You see... Even thou Peter is the boss everybody is pulling their straw to the stack. Everybody is playing their part and everybody has a roll to fill, and thats what makes us a band. I can only speak for my self. I'm not involved in the writing. I can always tell Peter what I think thou and I always do. Then if he listens to me, I don't know. I'm a pyrotech, I work with our shows. I'm also composing most of our news updates, press releases and blog posts, etc. I drink beer. And when it comes to recording, I will lay down all the drumtracks on the next album. And I will take every chance I get to influence or affect the album to travel in a direction that I think makes it better. :rock:

Did you also play all drums on the last album? Because I also thought Peter did the whole recording stuff on his own and you played the drums on a few songs?!
Thank you guys for the news. And congrats to J&A once again =)
Wish them all the best.

I hope there will be show in Croatia or Germany on the next tour \m/
Did you also play all drums on the last album? Because I also thought Peter did the whole recording stuff on his own and you played the drums on a few songs?!

Hello ben_uez!
Your last assumption is correct. I didn't play on all songs on CP. It would be interesting if anyone can hear what songs are real drums and what songs are drum machine :grin:
One thing though, I really wish Peter wont put Hypocrisy aside for 4 years like he did prior to ATOED.

Pain's very cool, but nothing shall ever beat his firstborn child ;)
Oh, I think nowadays it is almost impossible to determine how the drums have been created. :rolleyes: Samples in a sequencer could be also once recorded live. Many PC-programs support many different samples for each drum and each hat or crash. And then we can simulate almost alive drummer :)

(..but no drummer ever will not be able to create such a kickass sound, as on the Hypocrisy's "Penetralia" :notworthy ;) :flame: I would give anything just to know what it was)

In my opinion, as I can hear, Monkey Business, I'm Going In, Reach Out, Generation X, Not Your Kind and of course, No One Knows could be the creation of PC. ...but hat sounds very realistic :goggly:
But I think that it is pointless idea to make drum machine too realistic. It's better just to find or create powerful and interesting drum samples. Or just to record live drums. Very good drums was at the "Rebirth" album. That's why there is no need to hide that they are "not alive" or to try to make it more realistic. And "Cynic" sounds very realistic for samplers but I think a little boring. :Saint:
By the way, Dancing With The Dead drums were the best as for live/electronic balance, I think. ;)

Waiting for a lot of kickassing drums at the new one! :rock:

Sorry for my English :rolleyes: