New Pain of Salvation?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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I just picked up the new PoS, Remedy Lane. I find it uninteresting, formulatic, repetitive and in a word BORING. I was a big fan of Entropia, and Concrete Lake was good, but I really didn't care for Perfect Element, and I gave it many listens. Well I picked up the new one based on high expectations from early reviews and :err: , I must be missing something here. I found myself listening to half a song, getting bored to tears and ffwarding to the next song, getting bored ect, it seems like the song structure on most of these cuts is sooo similar and unimaginative. I wound up flipping through most of the songs that, with few exceptions, are indistinguishable from each other. Of course I will give it more chances but I am about ready to give up entirely on this group.

Any other initial thoughts?
The songs seem pretty varied to me. I think that's just a "new album" thing when you think they're all the same. A lot of the songs on the album seemed kind of soft and boring at first, but I listened more and got into it, and started to understand the lyrics better and hear musical themes that are in multiple songs and things like that.

Doesn't seem formulaic or repetitive to me though.

Sorry guys there is no band that is more amazing than PoS.. but maybe that's because you guys are more fans of metal then of progressive music which is cool.. it's all subjective.. my three favorite bands are Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, and Opeth and Gilenlow from PoS is my favorite composer followed closely by Akerfeldt..

It is not that I don't like progressive metal/music, I do. I grew up on Rush, Yes and Kansas. Right now I love Dream Theater, Threshold, Royal Hunt, Shadow Gallery, Artension, SymphX and others. In general, I like all kinds of music and I find there are lots of exceptional and very talented bands/musicians playing every style of music out there. I am more into metal now than anything else, but I like just about everything. I just don't like when a band establishes a formula early on in their career and then just rerecords variations of the same cd over and over. Ifeel that is what PoS has done. There is so much more interesting music out there why spend money and time on a effortless rehash of something I already own?
Originally posted by dolphz
Right now I love Dream Theater, Threshold, Royal Hunt, Shadow Gallery, Artension, SymphX and others.

... and you don't like PoS? Liking Royal Hunt (their John West CDs going back a few years are irredeemable pieces of shit, and it's not John West's fault, fine singer), Symphony X and complaining about REHASH? No way. No way.
I know music is very subjective. Personally I find Royal Hunt-Fear to be infinitely more interesting and satisfying than Perfect Element or Remedy Lane. I do however agree with SymphX rehashing material, but at least the musicianship is interesting. I think the new Dream Theater is one of the finest progressive cds ever. That cd is a perfect example of a band that grows compositionally and musically. The Great Debate and the entire second cd are definitely highlights od DTs career. To me, PoS doesn't even come close to being in the same class as Dream Theater.
Originally posted by Autumn Falls
Sorry guys there is no band that is more amazing than PoS.. but maybe that's because you guys are more fans of metal then of progressive music which is cool.. it's all subjective.. my three favorite bands are Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, and Opeth and Gilenlow from PoS is my favorite composer followed closely by Akerfeldt..


Add Nevermore to the list and this would sum it up for me.
PoS is boring?:lol:
yeah, I'm a progressive metal/music junkie, too, but I don't like PoS. Symphony X rehash a little, but V, Divine Wings of Tragedy, and Twilight in Olympus are all very different. I like Rush, early Yes, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Power of Omens, and tons of other "progressive" bands, and I listen to tons of other styles of music, but I still find PoS to be boring.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
yeah, I'm a progressive metal/music junkie, too, but I don't like PoS. Symphony X rehash a little, but V, Divine Wings of Tragedy, and Twilight in Olympus are all very different. I like Rush, early Yes, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Power of Omens, and tons of other "progressive" bands, and I listen to tons of other styles of music, but I still find PoS to be boring.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

1 more time for the "Hat Trick".
at first, i thought that remedy lane was sub-par (by which i mean the standard set by PE1 [which is awesome, dammit!]), but the more i tried to listen to other stuff instead, the more i found myself drawn back.

i don't think it's so much that gildenlow suffered from a shit spell, but i think this album hearkens back to more straightforward prog rock. that's probably why he includes that song that he wrote many moons ago ('let me fly...') a theme like love is echoed by less rhythmic music (wtih the exception of fandango) and more hard/soft contrast.

my favorite parts are:

all of "chain sling" (sounds like a medeival folk song)
gildenlow's little rap in "ending theme"
the big hit in the intro