New PATHS mix crit, help please! Fans of While She Sleeps, TGI, FTFD



Hi guys, I am super n00b at this forum and would love some crits on this mix! And if anyone is keen I can also post stems?

Get at me, but please give me your thoughts. Criticism is great!

I hope that you also find a moment to enjoy the song as it is very close to my heart.

Thanks guys x
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Hey im brand new over here, but if you allow me I could give you some tips!

overall sounds fairly good, specially the guitar tone, mind telling us what you used?

now, the vocals (for my taste) sound a little too "in your face", you could try lowering them by maybe 2dB or 3 at the most, so its not that noticeable while still there.

the kick sounds a little too clanky, try taking just a tiny bit of highs and giving it some lows, maybe a little boost at the lower frequencies could help, it just needs a little more body

now, i dont know if its me, but at certain points i hear some bass been taking out sporadicaly, i dont know, could be me lol