New Periphery Double Album

Thanks for all the comments guys, it's fun to see what you've made of the albums.

Re: the snare/samples - There really isn't any snare sample in there at all, funnily enough the cymbal bleed on snare hits is quite obvious to me on some songs, it's actually something that I think I can improve on the next album but I'm glad it wasn't overtly noticeable to others. Occasionally I had to replace floor tom hits if the china or stack was bleeding obnoxiously, but the tom sound apart from that isn't augmented with any samples either. The kick obviously has some sample going on, but it's probably less that you'd think. Matt is a great drummer and we spend 2 weeks tracking drums being extremely picky about the performances to make sure the playing was consistent and powerful at the source.
Thanks for all the comments guys, it's fun to see what you've made of the albums.

Re: the snare/samples - There really isn't any snare sample in there at all, funnily enough the cymbal bleed on snare hits is quite obvious to me on some songs, it's actually something that I think I can improve on the next album but I'm glad it wasn't overtly noticeable to others. Occasionally I had to replace floor tom hits if the china or stack was bleeding obnoxiously, but the tom sound apart from that isn't augmented with any samples either. The kick obviously has some sample going on, but it's probably less that you'd think. Matt is a great drummer and we spend 2 weeks tracking drums being extremely picky about the performances to make sure the playing was consistent and powerful at the source.

Curious about the toms, just for clarification: Are you just manually cutting/dropping the bleed and flying in sustain tails if necessary? I've never been happy with 100% replaced toms, and sample augmentation of the natural hits always sounds seriously uncomfortable to my ears (at least if I'm mixing the track, that is).
Curious about the toms, just for clarification: Are you just manually cutting/dropping the bleed and flying in sustain tails if necessary? I've never been happy with 100% replaced toms, and sample augmentation of the natural hits always sounds seriously uncomfortable to my ears (at least if I'm mixing the track, that is).

It depended on what the exact issue was. If there was a massive china hit straight out a fill then I may just crossfade the natural floor tom attack into a sample (of the same drum) for the sustain. Occasionally Matt would hit a light floor tom as an accent while riding the china or stack, and on some of those I fully replaced those with a phase-coherent clean hit. I agree - blending samples into toms never sounds right to me unless it's just for the attack portion only, but I never do that.
It depended on what the exact issue was. If there was a massive china hit straight out a fill then I may just crossfade the natural floor tom attack into a sample (of the same drum) for the sustain. Occasionally Matt would hit a light floor tom as an accent while riding the china or stack, and on some of those I fully replaced those with a phase-coherent clean hit. I agree - blending samples into toms never sounds right to me unless it's just for the attack portion only, but I never do that.

Right on, sir, thanks for the input. It's nice to see somewhat standard but often overlooked techniques put to use with this sort of result.
Wow...really no snare sample. I am impressed! Can we get some info about the processing?
Also, really like a lot of the songs. The heavyer stuff went straight to my gym playlist. :)
Thanks for all the comments guys, it's fun to see what you've made of the albums.

Re: the snare/samples - There really isn't any snare sample in there at all, funnily enough the cymbal bleed on snare hits is quite obvious to me on some songs, it's actually something that I think I can improve on the next album but I'm glad it wasn't overtly noticeable to others. Occasionally I had to replace floor tom hits if the china or stack was bleeding obnoxiously, but the tom sound apart from that isn't augmented with any samples either. The kick obviously has some sample going on, but it's probably less that you'd think. Matt is a great drummer and we spend 2 weeks tracking drums being extremely picky about the performances to make sure the playing was consistent and powerful at the source.

Thanks for the info dude!
Amazing work!

So far I only listened to the albums next to doing chores and stuff, but I didn't recognize any cymbal bleed while listening to it that way. So you should be good for most normal people haha

I did listen really closely to the beginning of the bad thing, and I'm amazed that cymbal isn't oblivious in the snare, cause it sounds like it would be a bitch for 95% of other drummers and engineers :lol: