New PHARAOH track

Hi Matt:
I really dig this tune. Can you give me any details on the vocal chain and settings?


The recording chain was:
Nuemann 147 -> Avalon 737 (comp at 3:1, taking 3-4db off, no EQ) -> Apogee DA-16x (@ 24/44.1)

In the mix:
Track -> Cranesong Phoenix -> Bomb Factory 660 (time factor 3, taking 5-6 db off)

The verb is a Sony V77, the delay is the standard digirack delay.

The main thing is the voice of Tim Aymar - it's just impossible to make him sound bad (I actually think he sounds better here than on the Control Denied album). Ever vocal is double tracked, so that adds to some of the thickness of the vocal tracks.

I'm glad you all like it... it was fun to make for sure!