NEW PHOTOS - from the "I, Voyager" video shoot!!!!

I never really considered "I have tasted pleasures of the flesh" to have anything to do with vampires. That's really the only line that can be related to vampires also....although I guess you could say that the whole chorus is talking about vampires.....but I can't see anything else in the lyrics that could actually be related to vampires. Also, these are some of my favorite Dane lyrics, and it would devestate me to know that Warrel was really just writing about vampires.

WTF is wrong with Jim's right leg? That's bizarre looking, maybe a tourbus ran over it. Or am I just going crazy?
TheDreamingMind said:

It's just a zipper on his pants.

WTF is wrong with Jim's right leg? That's bizarre looking, maybe a tourbus ran over it. Or am I just going crazy?
There goes hopes of it having a proper plot yet again...or maybe it's just Warrel's idea of the lyrics. Damn lyricist getting all these stupid ideas about the meaning of the lyrics.
Maybe I'm just bitter. The pics do look cool.