NEW PHOTOS - from the "I, Voyager" video shoot!!!!

Thanks for the pics Steph. Great as per usual. It looks like Warrel was not joking when he said they were going to do a massively cheesy video. Good, those are usually the best anyway.

hey, looks like he's channeling his inner Alexi Laiho:
Bah, Vampires suck... :Smug:

Damn, sorry, couldnt help that one. I agree with whoever said it earlier, and Im to lazy to quote, but no goth crap.

LOL, short middle leg hehe.

BTW, dimmu rules horse shit and nothing else.
i had read it in an interview, he always wanted to have played tom cruise's part in interview with a vampire because he thinks cruise ruined the part:P it seems he finally made it. warrel rules
I LOVE those pictures. The video looks to be very badass.

BTW, When does the video come out? I just got MTV2 since they installed good cable out here. :rock:
Evenif they sold a million albw's i still would support them....
Ann Rice hey
black metal
cradle of filth jewelry...

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HALLOWEEN look, I hear the retro sound is back,ahahah

UDO IS TO fats for his hown good
To be honest i thought that this visual is something that makes no sense with the Nevermore´s purpose. It seems so homossexual for me. Next Clip will have a porn star what u think about?
I like very much Nevermore, but it is so strange.
"I, Voyager" is the best track on EoR.
It all is MY opinion, So it´s just photos.
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality - 05_i_voyager.mp3

is a try hard ARCH ENEMY

but it still comez out like KORN...

Nevermore - Enemies of Reality - 05_i_voyager.mp3

(September 2002, Germany) Three doctors from a Munich clinic published the following account in a highly respected medical journal. The man in question disqualified himself from a true Darwin Award by being smart enough to go to a hospital and admit what he'd done. The report is quoted directly from the journal, with the addition of bracketed "translations" that clarify the medical jargon.
"A 31-year-old man was admitted to the emergency unit with severe abdominal pain and vomiting for two hours. [He'd been sober enough to notice a problem for the last two hours.] An abdominal radiograph disclosed intestinal obstruction, and a small bowel follow-through study revealed a filling defect in the right-side jejunum. [His gut was backed-up because something was stuck in it]. Persistent exploration of the patient's history [he *really* didn't want to talk about it] disclosed a visit to the Munich Octoberfest the night before, during which the patient had ingested a condom filled with beer. [No, we don't know why, either].

"Upper endoscopy was unsuccessful in removing the condom. [We couldn't budge it.] Because the condom was localized close to the abdominal wall, it was finally punctated with a long needle under CT control. [We stuck a really big needle in it, and it burst.] Forty milliliters of a yellow clear liquid [we can't say in print that it was beer, because we were laughing so hard we didn't think to send it to the lab] were drawn off when the condom slid forward spontaneously. The next morning, the condom was identified in the patient's stool [a high-quality, leakage-resistant condom, showing that the man was at least attempting to nullify his influence on the gene pool,] and the patient was discharged in good condition."

The authors note, "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on intestinal obstruction caused by ingestion of a condom filled with an alcoholic beverage, and its successful transcutaneous treatment. [Hey, we always wanted to be the first doctors to do *something*!]"