New Pick ups


Lord of Mediocraty
Jul 8, 2003
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I have an ESP LTD m-207 and I want to replace both the neck and bridge pick ups. It already has Duncan Design so I just maybe want to get some goo
d Duncans that I can throw right in. Do they make pick ups specifically for certain
positions on the guitar, if so can someone recommend me some good neck and bridge pick ups? I don't know anything about them...thanks
This guy in the city, in the apartment above Sam Ash in Time Square. Custom pickups. Roadtrip fucker.
If you want some good duncans to pop in there, look at the JB for the bridge and the Jazz for the neck. That's the best recommendation I can make. If you like a bit more mids and fullness to your bridge tone though, check out some Full Shreds over the JB. The JB sounds a little bit more hollow and edgy, less smooth. I'm going by year-old memory here though.
"A completely balanced coil configuration produces great harmonics and a high output with just the right blend of sustain and distortion. You get the best of both worlds: from sweet warm tones to raw rock 'n' roll. Combine this with the (SH-2) Jazz Neck and you've got Seymour's personal favorite combination."

I just might look into these and they aren't $150 ...good deal!
nataservant said:
I have an ESP LTD m-207 and I want to replace both the neck and bridge pick ups. It already has Duncan Design so I just maybe want to get some goo
d Duncans that I can throw right in. Do they make pick ups specifically for certain
positions on the guitar, if so can someone recommend me some good neck and bridge pick ups? I don't know anything about them...thanks

King V on the Megadeth forums can hook you up with any Duncan pickups you want for a really great price.
Exsequor said:
King V on the Megadeth forums can hook you up with any Duncan pickups you want for a really great price.

If you're looking for some high output heavy metal pick ups, go with the Duncan Distortions, or the Duncan Invader. The JB and the Jazz just aren't ballsy enough...they're a little more versatile, but if you want high output and screaming harmonics, go with the Invader in the bridge at least...they now make an Invader for the neck as well with reduced output. Go to the Duncan website and read depends on the variety of styles you intend on playing on that guitar.
i love pinch harmonics...I am still looking, i may have to talk to King V also. I need something that doesn't make my B string sound like shit when I palm mute it and I want an awesome, full solo type sound for the neck pick up.
get some active EMG pickups. 81 in the bridge, 85 in the neck. This is the most popular "metal" config and you can bet your ass all the greats and well knowns use this setup. The Schecter Hellraiser uses this in thier 6 string model.

You can buy this in a set on ebay for like 150 bucks i think. They package it and call it the "Zakk Wylde Signature Series" Pay no attention to the fact that they got "Sack's" name on the box. They are good pickups.

And Schenkadere is right too, Invadors do kick ass.
I heard I may have to widen the pick up area if I want to put EMGs in it. I am doing this myself and this is going to be the first time that's why I want something that will pretty much just fit into the Duncan Des. spots. Do the EMG Zakk Series fit in a 7 string as well or do they make a 7 version? I would really like to put in EMGs but I dunnno about cutting up my guitar myself...
nataservant said:
I heard I may have to widen the pick up area if I want to put EMGs in it. I am doing this myself and this is going to be the first time that's why I want something that will pretty much just fit into the Duncan Des. spots. Do the EMG Zakk Series fit in a 7 string as well or do they make a 7 version? I would really like to put in EMGs but I dunnno about cutting up my guitar myself...

I really prefer Duncans. To me, EMG's are very sterile and cold sounding...not a lot of character Lot's of metal players dig ''s just personal preference. The Invaders do come in a 7 string model.

Good luck.
you wont have to cut your guitar to fit the EMGs, and no the Zakk series wont fit in a 7 string, but EMG makes an equivilent model of active pickups for the 7 string.

And yeah, its personal prefernce, Duncans kick ass. But for a wide range of "chugging" palm mutes, to crystal clear artificial harmonics, to shredding guitar solos, or sweeping some higher notes. I perfer the sound of the active EMGs.

Hope this helps.
my setups:

[Duncan Jazz
Duncan Distortion]


[Duncan Hotrail
Duncan Hotrail
Duncan Custom]

both are excellent and i won't ever use a "metal" pickup because when you flip to the clean channel they sound like ass
See, thats where people are so wrong. Metal pickups don't suck for cleans if you know how to use your EQ correctly.;)

I like EMG's alot.. I also prefer Dimarzio's. Duncan's are nice for somethings though. Once I get my new 6 stringer, i'm gonna run a Dimarzio X2N in the bridge and probably some other in the neck, not sure yet. I run Dimarzio's through my Shecter C-7 Blackjack and I love the tone I get out of it. Alot better then the stock 7 string JB and '59's.. thats for sure!
The only Dimarzio's I ever heard, sucked for everything, but they were in a really old Peavy Predator.

Dimarzio makes multi colored pickups, which I thought was pretty cool, just don't know how they sound.. considering they are for apperance, they probably sound like shit.
Tempest said:
The only Dimarzio's I ever heard, sucked for everything, but they were in a really old Peavy Predator.

Dimarzio makes multi colored pickups, which I thought was pretty cool, just don't know how they sound.. considering they are for apperance, they probably sound like shit.

Well guys like Vai run through them and come on now, his tone? :OMG: Hell, Chuck Schuldiner ran through the X2N which is so hot it's not even funny. Although your first impression on Dimarzio's was my first one on Duncan's. I had to search to find good ones. It's all a matter of preference I suppose.

You were playing through a Preadtor though. that could have something to do with it. :p :tickled:
Tempest said:
hey, with the exception of the pickups, it was probably the best guitar I've ever played.

REALLY?! Although it IS a Peavey and those fuckers can be really nice, even for though they're so cheap. This is true. I've never played on one, I've only seen around. Didn't look to appealing but then again the few i've seen were pretty beaten up.
my buddy has it, its a regular strat looking guitar, white finish, all maple neck, some weird ass tremelo bridge that doesnt suck (like floyds) and oh man.. it feels so smooth, the neck is amazing. I really beleive that peavey does not make anything else like this anymore, all the new peaveys look like shit, and hell, even this looks like a busted up piece of shit... but it plays so beautifully.

I try to get him to sell it to me everytime i come over but he'll never give it up. If he ever does, I'm gonna throw some EMG 81/85s in there and use it as a lead axe.