new pictures...

@rotten doll: it's a good thing you two aretalking like civilized people now, so just don't get mad at him for what i'm gonna say
what he's "defending from" is probably such an inane comment as "you have to be really professional to know how to take a good picture" haha, geez what are you 12?
EagleFlyFree said:
neither, you sound 12 because you made a childishly elitist unfundamented statement actually haha

your right to think that way :)
anyway, i really didn't meant to hurt the guy in any kind of way, so i hope we can just forget it and keep talking as usual :)
just bin cruisin through some of the pics shown here. its all very nice work. i dont do photography but i've always appreciated it. i would love to see some more stuff from everyone here so if n e body wants a bit of feedback i'd be more than happy.
rotten_doll said:


Beautiful pics really, i like very much this kind of black&white which is a little bit green. It makes the pictures look "ancients". Hum you see what i mean ? :grin:

@Aragorth : i have looked at your website and i find that you're very talented. I wish i have this talent since i really like taking pictures myself but i'm a pitiful photographer.
Erendis said:
Beautiful pics really, i like very much this kind of black&white which is a little bit green. It makes the pictures look "ancients". Hum you see what i mean ? :grin:

yeah i know what you mean, and i like it too as well :)