new (post-AFDtE) Anathema album


Oct 10, 2001
what do you think/hope it will sound compared to "Exit"?
IMO "Exit" is already a damn good album - I think they should just keep up with this style. I'd like to hear some more piano parts and maybe some experimental stuff (but that shouldn't be more than 20% of the album). I hope the next one will come soon :)

BTW: does anyone of you like TiamaT? Their new album will be out in January...
Remember the final minute of "Pressure" ? I hope they develop this. Anathema have evolved into a band which is not afraid of creating sounds, so I hope they dump the boring tendencies ("Release" anyone ?), and strive for more originality, I sure hope they become more daring and experimental. Imagine Anathema as a noise-rock band ! Cool, I say !

Tiamat... hmmm... since that banal tourist-album Skeleton Skeletron I'm not that interested in them anymore. Too bland. I still like Wildhoney and Slumber though.

D Mullholand
I don't care.

I remember I was ALWAYS thinking that after every Anathema album (and after Wildhoney and A Deeper Kind of Slumber also) and I 've learned, if you expect too much, you will stay disappointed.

If they continue developing Wings of God, Barriers, Leave No Trace etc. that would be very interesting(acoustics only with spacy keyboard elements?:) )

I am slightly disappointed with Skeleton Skeletron, but A Deeper Kind of Slumber stands on its own/which is no less than masterpiece/

I hope new Tiamat will be more challenging.
Because I am still their fan..............:err: