New PRIMORDIAL song on their myspace

Why don't all you fans contact Primordial and tell them you want their forum here at UM instead of SMN? Since you all talk about them so much anyway.... ;)
This sounds like every other Primordial song out there.

That is to say, it is quite good, but my ownership of but one album from them is more than enough. Well, except some day I'll pick up Spirit the Earth Aflame because I totally illegally downloaded and later enjoyed that one on several distinct occasions.

Actually this song is on the strong side of what I've heard from these dudes. It does all run together though, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Calm down John, if you read farther in the thread you'd see that I already set him straight. No big deal.


Call it foot in mouth. Nevertheless, I'm giving you guys full kudos for bringing them over when nobody else seems to even acknowledge their existence! :erk:

I presume Amon Amarth must sell albums by the boatload with all the Metal Blade tour support they get?