New Sabaton Details Have Me Skeptical...

I think this is great. With so many Swedish bands and so few Swedish lyrics, I'm glad that some bands are starting to appreciate their own language too. And the Swedish Empire is excellent and woefully overlooked source material for metal lyrics.

Yes. I totally agree.

Considering they are singing about Sweedish history, I don't mind at all that they sing it in Sweedish. I get the issue of "but I can't sing along", but I bet many people who sing along mangle the english as well. ;)

I just hope they provide an English translation so that we know what the hell they are singing about.
I just hope they provide an English translation so that we know what the hell they are singing about.

Here's some info at least, based on the song titles (it's pretty obvious what they refer to if you know Swedish history):

"Lejonet från Norden" means "Lion of the North" and refers to Gustavus Adolphus who is considered to be the "founder", or at least the first king, of the Swedish Empire. He was very successful, but died in battle in Germany during the Thirty Years' War, the end of which I assume the song title "1648" refers to.

"En livstid i krig" means "A Lifetime in War". "Karolinens bön" means "Prayer of the Carolean".

The title track "Carolus Rex" refers to king Charles XII, like Gustavus Adolphus one of Sweden's most famous kings. He was also very much a war king, so much so that he was usually portrayed in military uniform rather than the usual royal 17th/18th century clothes. He was quite successful, but eventually he lead Sweden to a massive defeat against Russia in the city of Poltava (hence the song "Poltava"), which was pretty much the end of the Swedish Empire.

"Ett slag färgat rött" means "A Battle Colored Red". "Konungens likfärd" most likely refers to when they carried the dead Charles XII's body home from Norway, where he was killed in battle.

That's a short summary.
I used to be more turned off by non-english lyrics, but these days it's not as big an issue for me, especially since I started getting into music with harsher vocals many years ago, where I sometimes can't understand the lyrics even if they're in english. I agree for a band like Sabaton, where the catchy sing-along aspect is more important, this makes more of a difference than it would for a band that doesn't have catchy vocal melodies... but these days I don't expect to really memorize the majority of lyrics even on albums I like, so if it works for the subject matter and it's what they want to do, I say go with the swedish lyrics. If I really need to know what they're saying, I'll google translate it. Shit, maybe I'll even learn a couple words of swedish, heh.

To me, the bigger surprise than the language of the lyrics is that for the first time they're going back into pre 20th century history.
I could see Sabaton in a commercial for some sort of tank.

LOL. If Sweden ever invades any other country, they could broadcast Sabaton video clips as PSA to scare such country... Big-ass Joakim standing there with his stage outfit (ripped crotch and everything) singing his war tunes... terrifying. :lol:

Then again... Sweden always remains neutral during wars as far as I know... doubtful they'd ever invade anyone.
I'm sorry if I insult anyone, but I will be massively disappointed if the album is entirely in Swedish. I give enormous credit to those who English is not their native tongue and yet speak it better than those people, like myself, who can't speak any other language but English.
Btw, the ;) at the end of your post does not make your post/opinion come off any less abrasive to me.


He's got a point though. People freaking out about a CD in another language IS kind of silly. Frankly, I am excited to hear it. But then, I'm also a fan of Finntroll and I don't have a CLUE what they're singing about.

Big-ass Joakim standing there with his stage outfit (ripped crotch and everything) singing his war tunes... terrifying.

Yah dude, all 5'3 of him.
No one understands Danish...Claus and I just pretend to be able to communicate, when we mutter ridiculous sounds to each other on the phone....:hypno:

We all agree that Sabaton are Swedes, right?

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that too would be your opinion and you are entitled to it naturally.

So glad you cleared that up for me.

He's got a point though. People freaking out about a CD in another language IS kind of silly. Frankly, I am excited to hear it. But then, I'm also a fan of Finntroll and I don't have a CLUE what they're singing about.

Absolutely - he has a point. However, his method of conveying it is, on this forum, often abrasive.

I don't quite understand why they are doing this. Don't get me wrong, I give them tons of credit for trying something different, but over the last few years they're really been gaining popularity. This is why I think it's a little weird for them to be going this route now. A couple albums from now when they've solidified their status, okay maybe but now? Strange. Maybe a few songs or so in Swedish but the whole album? It's a very risky move that could turn a number of fans away. I wouldn't be one of those turned away (unless the album as a whole sucks), but a lot of people do not like non-english singing.
I don't quite understand why they are doing this. Don't get me wrong, I give them tons of credit for trying something different, but over the last few years they're really been gaining popularity. This is why I think it's a little weird for them to be going this route now. A couple albums from now when they've solidified their status, okay maybe but now? Strange. Maybe a few songs or so in Swedish but the whole album? It's a very risky move that could turn a number of fans away. I wouldn't be one of those turned away (unless the album as a whole sucks), but a lot of people do not like non-english singing.

Because I don't think they're hurting for money at this point. I think they're a solid brand, a money making operation, and I don't think one album in a non-english language is going to stop anyone from buying the next one that comes out. It's also not like they're going to be playing this album in it's entirety at shows either, unless maybe some shows in Sweden.

Sabaton: The band everyone hates on for being "unoriginal" and turns around and bitches about the fact they're trying something new. :rolleyes: