New Sabaton Details Have Me Skeptical...

Ugh... tell me about it.

I don't have a problem with a band singing in their native language, but to do an entire album in it is a risk on the band's part. For me personally, I wish they'd simply mix up the lyrics in both English and Swedish to make it more accessable. With that said, I think Sabaton are great song writers, unlike a few people in this thread. I'm a huge fan of the band, so I will continue to support them...unless they attempt to do a Black Metal album! :loco:

I don't have a problem with a band singing in their native language, but to do an entire album in it is a risk on the band's part. For me personally, I wish they'd simply mix up the lyrics in both English and Swedish to make it more accessable. With that said, I think Sabaton are great song writers, unlike a few people in this thread. I'm a huge fan of the band, so I will continue to support them...unless they attempt to do a Black Metal album! :loco:


Sablackton! :lol: this point in the thread, I was actually hoping for some actual tentacle penetration...
I never like to disappoint. .... but this is the closest thing I could find that wouldn't get me outright banned. As it is, I'd be SHOCKED if I don't get a stern talking to.

It's funny, I was listening to Falconer's music this weekend, and the way he sings in his own language is actually really sexy.

Like.. strangely, so.

I never thought I'd consider that language to be sexy.

Allow me to take it back off track hahaha, but if you have never heard SEX MACHINEGUNS from japan this is a perfect example of a band that RULES and sings in Japanese (a few songs are in English) and i cannot understand a word they say but Japanese as a language is a fun listen. plus there are plenty of parts that are melodic enough to hum along with. the shred on this stuff rules too.

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You know, the first band I ever really obsessed over was X Japan. Most of their songs were in Japanese and I memorized EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Allow me to take it back off track hahaha, but if you have never heard SEX MACHINEGUNS from japan this is a perfect example of a band that RULES and sings in Japanese (a few songs are in English) and i cannot understand a word they say but Japanese as a language is a fun listen. plus there are plenty of parts that are melodic enough to hum along with. the shred on this stuff rules too.

I was just about to post that a guy like me who is an absolute Otaku of all Japanese Metal, I damn near never hear songs in English so I am looking forward to hearing the Sabaton album in Swedish. I personally enjoy foreign languages but then again I speak 3.01 languages (English, Spanish, Japanese, and a few words in Mandarin).

Part of the attraction to me is trying to figure out how to sing along in the foreign language. Besides Sabaton's music is all Testosterone to me, I feel like charging into battle when I hear it. It's when when I am in MMA class, it's my preferred band to listen to. I'm going to get it when it comes out.

Here is some more J-metal that just kicks ass. This band will be playing here in Dallas in June this year :rock:

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It's funny, I was listening to Falconer's music this weekend, and the way he sings in his own language is actually really sexy.

Like.. strangely, so.

I never thought I'd consider that language to be sexy.


Blad has a sexy voice to begin with. But yes, hearing him sing in his own language is THE SEX.

I imagine the sensations will be similar hearing Sabaton in Swedish, even though Joakim only has like, a 4 note range. ;)
I don't quite understand why they are doing this. Don't get me wrong, I give them tons of credit for trying something different, but over the last few years they're really been gaining popularity. This is why I think it's a little weird for them to be going this route now. A couple albums from now when they've solidified their status, okay maybe but now? Strange. Maybe a few songs or so in Swedish but the whole album? It's a very risky move that could turn a number of fans away. I wouldn't be one of those turned away (unless the album as a whole sucks), but a lot of people do not like non-english singing.

My thoughts exactly! They've really put a lot of work into establishing themselves in the US and I'd hate to see them lose any hard earned momentum. Personally, as much as I love Sabaton, I really have no interest in this album now and it will be a tough sell at live events in the US.