New Sabaton Details Have Me Skeptical...

Totally. I fucking love patterns, but am not a huge fan of Owlipi.

Either way, trying to explain that one piece of art is better than the other is kind of like trying to tell someone what genre of music is the best.

I would probably not bother with a cover of an Owlipi that's tentacle raping two women.


this is full cover image so maybe you can tell me where you see some sort of "rape" going on? kind of a stretch to me and rape isn't something to toss out frivolously in my book.

I like patterns too. my 4 year old neighbor is pretty good at drawing them maybe she should enroll in art school now. hahaha ;)
this is full cover image so maybe you can tell me where you see some sort of "rape" going on? kind of a stretch to me and rape isn't something to toss out frivolously in my book.

Dude I'm sorry, that Owlapus has mother-fucking rape eyes. The whole cover looks like a terrible acid trip, and if it could talk, it would be saying "These whores are mine. You may have whores, but not these. Because they are mine."

If I saw that hanging in a museum or someone's house, I would let out an audible "HAH." and walk away. I don't like it, not one bit. The style and the content make me feel icky. But then, it's art, and what do I know.
Art is open to interpretation. Nailz gets something unpleasant out of it, AS and Matt do not. SUBJECTIVITY REARS ITS UGLY HEAD YET AGAIN.

I like the art, actually. The colors are aesthetically pleasing to me, and I like the clean lines. I also enjoy the macabre aspect of it, though it is certainly not something I would ever have hanging in my home. Prior to reading Nailz's interpretation of it, I found the art to be mildly creepy, but I didn't get "tentacle rape" out of it. After, I can see the emotion attributed to the owl-creature, but only because Nailz's interpretation has influenced how I see it. But I still find it to be a cool piece.
Art is open to interpretation. Nailz gets something unpleasant out of it, AS and Matt do not. SUBJECTIVITY REARS ITS UGLY HEAD YET AGAIN.

I'm not sure why this thread has devolved into an art discussion, but don't blame me for having anything to do with it! haha :P
I'm not sure why this thread has devolved into an art discussion, but don't blame me for having anything to do with it! haha :P
Neither am I. I hate joining a thread, like one day after it opened and the original intent is long gone and has devolved into another opinion-based debate, usually among the same people. Just saying.

Ok, so if this thread is about artwork, I'd say I like the theme of the album cover but it is so busy, it's hard to absorb it's intent. My eyes just keep darting all over the place trying to take in all the elements. The "weight" and tonality of each segment is strong without variation and overwhelms me. That's my point of view as an artist.
And honestly in regards to computerized vs hand drawn art -- this new Sabaton cover is a perfect example of why it often sucks. The idea is fine but, much like Maiden's 'Dance of Death', the execution is terrible and the overdone CG is largely responsible for that. And yeah, hand drawn art can suck too. But there seems to be a much bigger tolerance for bad CG vs bad hand-drawn.
It's not really new...

in the last 10 years is new in my book. To me it seems that no one cares abuot the presentation of the album. It seems like they recorded and said....oh my gosh....we dont have a cover. One band guy goes home and mix n matches all sorts of computer skulls and explosions and stuff and presto....generic album cover. I guess I am one of the types who likes to see the album with great cover art, booklets and well written music that is catchy. Lots of bands forget the package as a whole.

there, did i help get us back onto subject? hahaha.
I blame AeonicSlumber just on principle. :D

I've already said my piece on Sabaton's choice to sing in Swedish. Too much whining about it, not enough excitement over the prospect of a foreign-language singalong that non-Swedish speakers can cheerfully mangle.

And if you don't enjoy mangling the foreign-language song you're attempting to sing along to...I proclaim you a Singalong Grinch!
I've already said my piece on Sabaton's choice to sing in Swedish. Too much whining about it, not enough excitement over the prospect of a foreign-language singalong that non-Swedish speakers can cheerfully mangle.

And if you don't enjoy mangling the foreign-language song you're attempting to sing along to...I proclaim you a Singalong Grinch!

This. The rest of the world has never had a problem singing along with lyrics in English for decades now (see: Iron Maiden in Brazil, et al).. On top of that, translations are a simple Google-search away :Smokedev: