New Soilwork song


Sep 29, 2005
I recently got the new issue of Sweden Rock Magazine. There was a new Soilwork song on the CD that came with the magazine. Ohh my God, did it suck. Lousy and total edgeless production with guitars sounding like there where recorded in a coockiejar. And the song (cant remember the title) was so lame and predictable nad absoulutley no power. I was really looking forward to this release but now.... Peter Wichers please come back and make Soilwork what it once was. If the other tracks on the album will go in the same direction this will be the end of the Soilwork saga.
I wouldn't judge the album based on the single. Of course single is crappy. I hope the rest of the album is going to be much better than that one song.

And i actually think it's a pretty decent song :p (we're talking about Exile right?)
I wasn't impressed... I think the biggest problem is that it isn't a good song. It's a good chorus, and a decent solo. Overall it's not bad by any stretch - but it's nowhere near songs like "As We Speak." Soilwork set a high bar for themselves and they're going to constantly have to compete with their first 5 albums (especially Natural Born Chaos and Figure Number Five.)

Hopefully there's better songs on there...
I couldn't really concentrate on the songwriting because of this awful production. Drums are acceptable, but guitars? I just can't understand how a band allows such a horrible guitar sound while the previous albums had awesome sounding guitars. Don't they do some sort of a one-to-one comparison with their previous work? I do not assume that Soilwork was in the same situation as Nevermore with Enemies of Reality, where there was apparently no money to pay a decent producer.

My opinion is based on the production solely. The songwriting might be of normal Soilwork-standard. We will hear.
So it`s not Bergstrand ? pfew! thank God. I thought he had lost his mind. Well it`s hard to judge after listening to just one song but usually you put one of your strongest songs on these sampler CD`s. I guess Peter took the magic with him when he left the band. I´ve heard a song that Peter Wichers wrote for Peter Tägtgren to record voclas on for some anniversary CD. That song totally smokes the new Soilwork song, day and night.
Townsend didnt produce the new album... he did Bjorn's vocals, that's IT.

They pretty much produced it themselves.
As an aside, could be the song hasnt received a final mix before it went to demo.

God Forbid had some of their singles hit Century Media promos before the final mix was out on it, so, take from that what you will.
Personally, I think NBC is one of their weakest; the first three tracks (Follow - Flameout) are top notch, but I feel like the album totally nosedives after that (especially the choruses, sweet jesus; The Bringer leaves me cold, Mercury Shadow seems like it should be sung by a prostitute, and Mindfields is just irritating). Black Star Deceiver is pretty sweet, though, w/ Devin contributing his vox, and of course the production is their best ever (the drums sound better on Stabbing..., but the guitars I find too over-emphasized in the upper mids on that one). My favorite is definitely "A Predator's Portrait," but to be perfectly honest, I really love "Figure Number 5" as well, and I never understood why so many don't.
i hope the album is better. I was expecting much more production-wise seeing as darkane engineered/mixed it. If you compare it to darkane - Layers of lies, the production is so weak. Also, i'm not really feeling the song yet.

on a side note, i've really started to like stabbing the drama.
yeah men the new song really sucks! everything sucks... no production at all there.. the sounds sucks...

wel.. good by soilwork , they should record and mix at least with andy sneap or collin :)
IIRC i've read somewhere that the band thought that STD was overproduced, and they wanted a more gritty and unpolished production for this album, more akin to A predators portrait. So there you have it. I for one think STDs production is amazing, I don't get why a band would want to sound worse than their previous releases... :S