New Song Ideas?


Oct 16, 2002
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Here's something to think about.....what would you like to see the band write about in any new songs? I have thought about this one......

An epic song about any or all of the "master" composers such as Bach, Beethoven, etc. Kind of like a short bio of their lives (life) at that time and how fans related to them, the personal struggles with their own "demons" and their music lasting through time to influence modern prog music such as SymX. I think that would make a damn good song. Has it been done before?
Pharoah said:
Here's something to think about.....what would you like to see the band write about in any new songs? I have thought about this one......

An epic song about any or all of the "master" composers such as Bach, Beethoven, etc. Kind of like a short bio of their lives (life) at that time and how fans related to them, the personal struggles with their own "demons" and their music lasting through time to influence modern prog music such as SymX. I think that would make a damn good song. Has it been done before?
eh... I'd have to disagree with the "bio" idea... sounds like a lame Iron Maiden song...

I'd like to see Symphony X lyrics move into the direction of human interactions, desolation, feelings... maybe something along the lines of the lyrics from Fates Warning's "Still Remains"
ProgMetalFan said:
eh... I'd have to disagree with the "bio" idea... sounds like a lame Iron Maiden song...

I'd like to see Symphony X lyrics move into the direction of human interactions, desolation, feelings... maybe something along the lines of the lyrics from Fates Warning's "Still Remains"
Bio really is a lame idea, but just a thought that came to mind. I'm curious to hear what others may think about subjects the guys could cover on future CDs. Their style of writing from subject matter amazes me. I would like to hear something relating to the current state of the world like ProgMetalFan's idea. But a strong song of hope, not despair.
Not Beowulf - the Firebird Suite - so much potential.

Our high-school marching band performed it for our competitions this season - and I thought it'd make a great SymX epic - and has a background that is comparable to a SymX epic
A story about angelic beings that attack the Earth and all that stands between them and mankind are huge battle robots that are actually made of the cloned tissue of the first man and eventually break free and have to feed... ...oh, wait, that's been done already. :D

Maybe an epic in the style of 1984 taking a look at mind control, subdual of individuality and creativity - with a real world setting? That might be too political, though. But whatever subject they choose, I trust that the guys in the band are creative enough to come up with something interesting this time around too. :)
Something based on war of the worlds like Jeff waynes epic masterpeice, or maybe something based on the battle of Isandlwana or famous last stands like thremopole and Custer,something that contains honour sacrafice ect....
Well let's see...

The 1st Accolade was about the Knights of the Templar.
The 2nd Accolade was loosely based on the father-son legend of Braveheart.
I'd like to see a 3rd Accolade accomodating the legend surrounding LOTR: The Return Of The King.

It's really just such a good showcase for heroism and it would complement the finale of such a beautiful journey of a trilogy completely and perfectly.

Also the idea of individual freedom vs. collectivist statism as mentioned above would also be very cool. Not necessarily in the style of Neil Peart; but an anti-Orwellian anthem, battle cry for freedom in today's modern world would be another great cathartic SX release. How about like an "Atlas Shrugged" epic...

In addition, another Romeo/Pinnella instrumental based on another theme by Beethoven would definitely be really awesome.(I'd just hope it was longer).:)