New Song ( Need Help on Mix )

Sounds way better than that BDM cover you did. I like it.
Rythm guitars maybe need to be a bit louder or to be boosted in high mids - better wait for someone competent. :)

One thing I can tell you for sure is that you need to watch for those snare rolls and fast tom fills. You have to give it more velocity variations. Compresion will keep from being to variant in volume, but you will get more different sounding hits. You should turn of the snap and rondomize critical fills by hand too.
Snare too loud to me, and needs more velocity variations, as stated.

Otherwise, sounds good to me! Might want to just lower the kick and snare to make everything seem more in proportion.

What kick sample is that, BTW? It sounds really good!
Seizure: dude how are ya long time no see ! i mis u :( anyway :D Lead tone was with the Fx Delay. i didnt use any reverb. i only used a little reverb from he podxt itself.

@ DSS3: jup that's the kick from dfhs. I don't know why it sounds so full. this is my first song ever that doesnt have anything on the mastertrack but just 1 equalizer ( Q10 Waves ) and a Compressor ( waves ) .
And the whole sound/mix sounds much better.

the snare was the Pearl 1. i've tried the haake snare, Pearl 2 and the Pearl 1. i've always used the pearl 1. but it doesnt sound satisfied in this song.