A new mix [BDM cover]

KeithRT99 said:
this forum is cool. I thought miasma sounded pretty cool, but i kinda liked unhallowed's sound more (no offense)

i think the sound on miasma smokes that record personally. actually i didnt even take the band seriously until i heard miasma.
Mendel said:
you mean zach ?

yea check the pic

in all his glory hahah...


thats me on the left
Miasma was recorded with a dual rec and a krank revolution. In the mix we added a touch of an engle head for a little more top end. The whole thing was done to PTHD with an api 3412 and a vintech 1272. At that time the only real compressor I had was an empirical labs fatso. We mixed at trax east with Eric Rachel thru a neotek elite down to half inch tape.

The whole record is just two takes of guitar panned left and right, other then the overdubbed solos. Both players played all their own parts, rather then have one guy do all the rythmns. So you can hear two distinct players. One side has slightly better rythmn, the other side has a slightly tighter picking hand.

Nothing on the record was cheated. Nothing was copied and pasted or looped. Most of the drum takes are one take. Obviously there was some drum edits, but not as much as you'd think. There was no editing on the guitars or bass.

The whole thing was a party. Trevor was pretty out of his mind during most of the vocal tracking. Everyday would start with bong and vaporizer hits and tons of aderoll. By nightime drinking would start and we'd come in pretty hungover the next day and do it all again.

As compared to most metal records you're hearing a real band playing, not some dude that sat in front of a computer for a month lining up every note.
Red Planet said:
Miasma was recorded with a dual rec and a krank revolution. In the mix we added a touch of an engle head for a little more top end. The whole thing was done to PTHD with an api 3412 and a vintech 1272. At that time the only real compressor I had was an empirical labs fatso. We mixed at trax east with Eric Rachel thru a neotek elite down to half inch tape.

The whole record is just two takes of guitar panned left and right, other then the overdubbed solos. Both players played all their own parts, rather then have one guy do all the rythmns. So you can hear two distinct players. One side has slightly better rythmn, the other side has a slightly tighter picking hand.

Nothing on the record was cheated. Nothing was copied and pasted or looped. Most of the drum takes are one take. Obviously there was some drum edits, but not as much as you'd think. There was no editing on the guitars or bass.

The whole thing was a party. Trevor was pretty out of his mind during most of the vocal tracking. Everyday would start with bong and vaporizer hits and tons of aderoll. By nightime drinking would start and we'd come in pretty hungover the next day and do it all again.

As compared to most metal records you're hearing a real band playing, not some dude that sat in front of a computer for a month lining up every note.

i dont have words to describe how thankful i am for this info:cry:
if you have the L2 or L1 then try using the presets and see how they sound, its what i use and it sounds loud without pumping when using the "16 bit final master" and "hot CD master" (i think they are called), i think theres too low of a threshold on whatever it is you are using causing it to pump.
Well, you use extreme compressionsettings on your master.

Make a new mix without compression on the master output and upload the song so we can listen to it. I'm curious how it will sound.

Making mistakes is learning.

Now give us a new mix!!:kickass: