Need Opinions on this Metal Mix !!

i love to help people, and then when i need an answer to a question, that person doesnt give in return!


the above post requires a user to mentally replace the word love with the word hate in order to discover the true meaning behind the post.
God, I hate tracking those damn At the Gates style riffs like you have in the beginning. I'm much better at the staccato type stuff where there's a better defined slower beat. I'm just a shitty guitarist!

Anywho, slow down the track just a few BPMs. The little fill riffs at :05, :08, :11, etc. sound a bit forced and rushed so that the rest of the riff will fall in time.
doesnt sound the mix a little bit like.. tiny or something ? jezus when i listen to as i lay dying's shadows... or Aborted..l it sounds so full. i'm really doing something wrong with mixing.
Mendel said:
doesnt sound the mix a little bit like.. tiny or something ? jezus when i listen to as i lay dying's shadows... or Aborted..l it sounds so full. i'm really doing something wrong with mixing.

Dunno exactly what you refer to, but I tried some multiband stereowidening (stereo expansion), and it did indeed help. Here's what I did:

--\ 50 Hz: 80% (20% more "mono")
/-\ 50 - 8K: 120%
/-- 8K: 110%

as for the ascii-art:
'--\': low shelf
'/-\': bell
'/--': high shelf

hope this helps,

Nice riffage!!

Cool mix as well Mendelovitchz... personally, im lovin the kick a lot... the guitar sounds really nice and crunchy when you palm mute them.. very cool!