New song preview [Emo Metal]


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2009

Here is my new song. It's EMO METAL.

No drums yet, waiting for SSD to dload.

- Waves GOLD Bundle
- Nick Crow 8505
- No drums yet hahahah

Tell me what you think. I might redo the first solo!

It's a preview and not the whole song cause i wanna sell it on an album later.

Couple of pointers:

1 - Use dropbox: No one wants to download your song to hear.
2 - Don't post a mix without drums or most of the instruments. This gives a very bad representation of the mix and the song as a whole. No one will be able to give you proper feedback. Posting without vocals is okay IMO.
3 - Post the entire song. If you want the best feedback possible, listening to a song as a whole is the best way for us to evaluate your mix.

Hope this helps!
First off, I'm going to point out your mistakes (and no I wont listen to your clip until you upload it to dropbox)

Right off the bat I can tell you're using pirated software. Waves Gold Bundle is expensive and you've just admitted to pirating SSD.
Piracy does NOT go down well with anyone here at the Sneap forum. Yes, many of us do it anyway, but we keep quiet about it and don't go around flaunting the stuff we obtain illegally.
I'll be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt and will assume you'll learn for next time not to mention the cracked software you're using/plan to use.
Instead of using Waves Gold Bundle, you should just try using whatever compressors etc are in your DAW software and LEARNING how to use them properly, because that matters more than having the most expensive shit out there.
This is the single worst thing I've ever heard. Honestly

You saved me from having to listen to the clip at all, even when drums get added to it, if it makes you feel any better that you did a good service for me and many others:lol:
I'd rather listen to the sound of someone taking a messy shit than listen to that again.

Good lord.
Bahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha, hard rockin' :lol: (this is like the kinda thing I think of if one were to record a Wyld Stallyns practice :D)
This reminds me of those youtube videos where some great guitarists get some poor fake playing overdubs. This is clearly a joke. And he's pulling even the w*r*z plug. So ... go ahead and sell it on an album later. :rolleyes:

I'd rather listen to the sound of someone taking a messy shit than listen to that again.

Good lord.


I have to agree! Fucking hell, just WTF, WTF! This is going on an album? I would have to be paid to listen to it!

I think you need to try putting a full song together dude, its just, from this short clip, all we can tell is that its really not very good...