New Song... Prog, 7String, TSE x30


Nov 2, 2009

would be nice to get some help what should be better with my tone..
can't listen to it anymore my ears are pretty fucked right now and don't want to wake up my housemates...

Used the tse x30 for the distortion guitars..

Bass is a pitched Guitar (stil got no bass... will change this soon if i got enough money)


thx a lot! :worship:
I only have headphones to listen to for the moment.. But the mix sounds good, would like to hear more low end from the "bass" though ;)
What did you use for the clean guitars ? And I would like som info about the chain on the X30 guitars :P

The part starting at 4:30 reminds of System of a Down ;)

You have done a good job IMO !
hey.. first thanks ... and a triple multi hardcore-thx for the Ampsim...

TSS (drive 1,7, Tone 6,7, Level 7,45)
TSE x30 (Input 5/10 drive 3/10, bass 2/10, Lomid 6/10, Highmid 6/10, Treble 7/10) (Version 1.0 ... forgot to change it :D )
Boogex with s-highpres (no low/highcut drive/dynamics anything..)
EQ (high (~100hz) + lowpass (~11khz) , slight boost @ ~8khz + reduction @ ~700khz)

Clean Guitars were made with tss, speakersim and delay/reverb

The part at 4:30 remids me of System Of A Down as well.... wasn't my intention so first thought about deleting it, but then i thought "take it as it comes"...

With lowend i still got my problems.... maybe i'm just to afraid to put it to far... my monitors are small and i got no subwoofer or anything... so it's a bit difficult for me to figure out if the low frequencies are okey
i'd be glad to get some more hints...
i'm impressed by all those users here... when i listen to all those clips here... most are good, some are awesome, some are crap, but the most stuff posted is just nice... so i hope i can learn here as much as i can...
The main problem i got is that most of you guys have another requirements to your sounds... i dont wanna get my sound too sterile... it's my goal that people listening to my music can feel my feelings while playing/recording it...
Usually i don't cut-> crossfade my Instruments a lot and i randomize my Drums a bit and try to keep it realistic... maybe that's a fault to get a br00tal sound (?)...
anyway that's my appreciation of music... and i can't refuse it...

tomorrow i'll do the final mix....
Things on my to-do-list:

Snare: lil bit more highs
bass: a bit more depth
synths: soften a bit
and playing a bit with so volumes...
Please tell me about that snare sound. Me likey so much! For a sample it's pretty damned realistic.

Mix def needs some more bass guitar and lowend. It's very dry and I'd add some good room mic sound for the drums to add a little sustain but that might destroy your whole vibe?
I really like the guitars and that they sound really "stringy"!

hehe... i like it as well... for that reason i love the tse x30... i got the impression it keeps the sound organic

Please tell me about that snare sound. Me likey so much! For a sample it's pretty damned realistic.

Mix def needs some more bass guitar and lowend. It's very dry and I'd add some good room mic sound for the drums to add a little sustain but that might destroy your whole vibe?

I got a USB Keyboard this week and for that reason i spend all my time playing around with it, but next week i'll do the next step for this song.

I programmed the snare with many velocity settings... nearly every hit has a different velocity and i mixed the snare just with the Addictive Drums mixer.
I added much punch freqs, used just a slight compression with a long release and sent it trough some Hallfx...
Some people told me that the snare is not punchy enough, but in my previous mixes the snare always punches br00taly out of the Mix and i tried to avaid it a bit this time.... with the risk that some hits are not so clearly audible...
That is bitchin!!!
The only thing i thought was that the snare sounds like its in its own little box in the mix.
Otherwise its totally brutal
Ehm hello! just checking if someone could help me out! i use TSE X30 and LeCab v1.0 in cubase 5.. But the sound is horrible.

Need some tips and stuff like that or a tutorial..
Im not that stupid ^^ i've tryed to change evry singel thing but it still sounds shit.. dont know whats wrong

Huh?! i just suck at fixing things.. since i always use guitar rig 4, but i hate the sound on it. and then a friend told me to download X30. But i dont know how to get a good sound from it since i suck XD
Huh?! i just suck at fixing things.. since i always use guitar rig 4, but i hate the sound on it. and then a friend told me to download X30. But i dont know how to get a good sound from it since i suck XD

why in the name of fuck did you bump this thread to ask that question?!
haha guess im that stupid then XD thanks tho

Btw clould some one help me to get a nice sound?

Tell me what i need and stuff like that. im new with all of this so thats why im a noob..

Would like to have a sound like For the Fallen Dreams ^^