new songs at gig shock

sol83 said:
christ. you two should not hang around. very bad influences.


so you should be! :loco: if I'm not mistaken it was kiriaki who came up with the peo (the girl sharing the appartment with sophia at her studyplace)
so youre even more outfunned now :heh:
Mariner said:

so you should be! :loco: if I'm not mistaken it was kiriaki who came up with the peo (the girl sharing the appartment with sophia at her studyplace)
so youre even more outfunned now :heh:

solon,you are outfunned:yell: your banana and back to your cage:p:p
i dont remember who brought the peo bit up.but sure we mentioned the phrase p-juice and then i had to explain the meaning and there you go!!!innocent mariner gets corrupted by De Sade's young claws*mi fas,sou hw glaro*:lol:
:spin: thank you,my dear :cool:
i may becoming to summerbreeze,just that someone said that i can reach the campsite only by bus and the toilets are i make second thoughts.i dunno.heeeeeeeelp:(
yeah,i got dscouraged though.i really dont need to suicide in the end of summer:(and its quite a decision and quite some money,so if its not good in the end,then:(
You lucky people...



Sophia gimme your sympathy, i'll give you mine, let us weep together...

C'mmon Pieter, mercy! At least give us a clue about the new stuff :)

PS: oh and what about summerbreeze? are there any good bands confirmed by now? think i heard sth about katatonia :Spin:
see 'belgian and dutch lads' and 'thanks'

you should stick around a bit more dwra ;) :p I guess exams are closing in again?