New Star One album

Uh, outstanding voice? This is the Floor that I dig.

Ew! She's pitchy as fuck in this song! Bad form!

I think she rocks pretty hard in Cassandra Complex with Russell. One of the better songs off the album IMO. Absolutely love the keyboard intro - very unique sounding.
I just got this last week, thanks to whomever it was who mentioned this as a tide me over until the new SX CD drops. O.......M.......G........... This is so great I have not listened to any other CD since I got it. And Russ Allen is the REASON, my friends. Everything he does, he makes it worth listening to. He has such soul and passion in his voice. (This is what most bands are lacking, sadly) If it weren't for his presence on this CD, it'd still be okay, but he makes it INCREDIBLE. I have the first Star One disc, too and it's been a fave since I got it in '08. But I think this will overtake that one. The title track (track 4) KILLS ME. Incredible. BUY THIS CD. So far I've figured out that Digital Rain is a take on the Matrix movies, but the rest, I have no idea. Help here? First CD had tunes loosely based on space movies and I figured those out. Stargate, Star Wars, etc. "Victims of the Modern Age" is the best CD I've had since Paradise Lost. I'm no expert and I'm pretty much a music snob, so this is really saying something. Purchase worthy, yes............:worship:
Glad you like it rocksister!

I just got this last week, thanks to whomever it was who mentioned this as a tide me over until the new SX CD drops. O.......M.......G........... This is so great I have not listened to any other CD since I got it. And Russ Allen is the REASON, my friends. Everything he does, he makes it worth listening to. He has such soul and passion in his voice. (This is what most bands are lacking, sadly) If it weren't for his presence on this CD, it'd still be okay, but he makes it INCREDIBLE. I have the first Star One disc, too and it's been a fave since I got it in '08. But I think this will overtake that one. The title track (track 4) KILLS ME. Incredible. BUY THIS CD. So far I've figured out that Digital Rain is a take on the Matrix movies, but the rest, I have no idea. Help here? First CD had tunes loosely based on space movies and I figured those out. Stargate, Star Wars, etc. "Victims of the Modern Age" is the best CD I've had since Paradise Lost. I'm no expert and I'm pretty much a music snob, so this is really saying something. Purchase worthy, yes............

My thoughts exactly. Thank you for being awesome. Although I could never get into the first Star One album...only song I liked was High Moon because of Russell's vocals. A bit too cheesy for my tastes.
It seems fair to conclude that those who are loving the new album, and some who loved the first one, only feel that way because Russell is on it. Am I right?

Since I'm not particularly attached to any one band or band member, maybe that's why it has no appeal to me.
It seems fair to conclude that those who are loving the new album, and some who loved the first one, only feel that way because Russell is on it. Am I right?

For me? Yes. I would have never given this album a listen if Russell wasn't the prominent vocalist, to be honest. The other talent on the album is great but not really my cup of tea. I love me some basic, hard driving riffs accompanied by a powerhouse of a voice. That's really all I get from this album. It's a great way to wait on the new S-X album for me.
It seems fair to conclude that those who are loving the new album, and some who loved the first one, only feel that way because Russell is on it. Am I right?

Not for me at all. The only member I wasn't attached to before is Dan Swano, and even him I really like on the new one. Everyone else I was already a big fan of. Russell isn't even my favorite person involved, that would be Arjen himself. If anything I could be accused of being an Arjen fanboy, but I seriously love everything about the album.
Since I'm a douchebag and don't listen to albums in the order they were intended to be listened to, I've only heard Earth That Was and the title track thus far. Dig the first one, not so crazy about the second one.

I'm generally not a big fan of these projects that have a shit ton of different vocalists on them, because sub-Russell vocalists ruin parts of songs for me. Russell will be soaring awesomely and out of nowhere some random singer comes in and just can't hold a candle. Plus, I'm not a huge Arjen fan - he's not bad, but his music is a tad drab and sometimes too simple to hold my attention. Maybe I have ADD, or I'm just a snob. Don't know, don't care.
I guess i'm a bit late on this one, but i must have listened to the album about 20 times in the best couple of days, and every time it ends, i just start over. I can't seem to get enough of it. Kenneth R mentioned that there are no vocal hooks on it. Seriously? I can't get any of the songs out of my head. The melodies are fantastic, verses bridges and choruses. Music may not be the most interesting, but as everyone else said, the vocal performances are out of this world, Russell of course being the standout.

As for Floor, i can't really find anyone else to compare her to. It's the aggression in her voice that does it for me, as well as the fact that she can outsing the best of the soprano vocalists in metal bands these days. Kinda disappointed with her new band ReVamp though. Although i think you'll get what i mean about her voice in this song.

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