New Subcyde track... More awesome tips please...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I got some really good pointers in my last thread so I decided to post a full song from the new album with vocals(actually me doing the backup growls in the chorus). So again I'd like more opinions from the guys on the board...
I've listen to some of the thing posted here recently and I'm blown away with the quality of the mixes some of you guys post here... So tips from you guys is greatly appreciated!

here is the song btw:
Great mix I agree maybe a bit more verb on the snare not high eq. But at that point you may need to raise it after the addition of verb. As far as the voxs I think its preferance on the use of effects. I believe the vox sit well with the amount of FX used - there more in your face and fierce, where more FX might push them back too much in the mix. Maybe and this is a big maybe the overheads - mainly the hi-hat is abit strong in the high freq. range kind of a hissy layer in the background. But overall its sound strong heavy and in your face.....PHEW!!!!! Guitars have a great bite to them and your compression is right on the money - GREAT WORK!!!!
Tummen upp!

I agree that the snare needs to come out from behind a bit, wether that is by just upping the volume or EQing it i'm not really sure, you can probably EQ it a bit in the highs without screwing it up.
It's mostly a problem in the heavier parts, that's when it gets hidden so to speak.

Other than that, great job man!
Hey Man, as always, this is another great job well done!!!
Very pro recording.
Have you changed the bass tone? This time it's really great! I like distorted bass guitars, but without exaggerating with overdrive.
As the other guys said, pay attention to the snare, and I think to the hihat too, maybe some filtering would be ok.

Sounds good. I kind of like the snare like that, it fits the music well. Once again though I maintain that the biggest difference between amateur and pro mixes is the bass guitar!! Such a seems like it's always the giveaway. IMHO at least.