New Suspyre Album Announcement!

I don't buy physical copies either, but I upped my pledge to $25. Sorry its not going better for you guys, I never understood how a band with such amazing music isn't more well known! More people need to know about Suspyre.

I'll be buying the digital cd to support you guys no matter what. And be at all your NYC concerts rocking out. :)
Alright, i went for the $25 dollar package. Couldn't resist after all.

Also.....hopefully sometime in the future we will see Suspyre on Vinyl! :rock:
Thanks to everyone that pledged, but we won't get the financial advance we needed to release this. Expect it to be available digitally by the first days of January, but physical copies will be very limited.
Tis a shame, more people need to listen to you guys. I'll repeat what I said before, it amazes me such a great and talented prog band is so unknown.
Thanks to everyone that pledged, but we won't get the financial advance we needed to release this. Expect it to be available digitally by the first days of January, but physical copies will be very limited.
Too bad, :cry: but I look forward to hearing the music in January. Keep trying. You might be able to get more pledged in the future for other projects. You guys have so much talent, it just begs to be explored. Keep the faith!
sorry to hear. i was a pledger. don't have any of their other releases (yet). but, was intrigued.

will purchase the digital version when it comes out. i purchase from iTunes and Amazon most of the time, anyways.

Hey Greg,

I aslo went for the $25.00. It is a shame but I'm looking forward to buy the physical copy. I'm old school and I don't really care about the digital download. I like to the whole package. I'm 42 and my collection is damn big and I'll always support the artist for his work. Let me know when and how to buy a copy. All the best. God bless!
Shame it didn't work out - though I must say I think $6,000 was a bit too high of a goal set in the first place. I think had Suspyre set the total to $3,000 you would quite possibly do it. Think about it: the closer you are to the goal, the more pumped up the average person will be to send in a little bit and contribute towards the goal. It's the whole "They're almost there, so let's just send in this or that much." Maybe try doing that next time?

With all that said, looking forward to hearing the new disc. :)
Shame it didn't work out - though I must say I think $6,000 was a bit too high of a goal set in the first place. I think had Suspyre set the total to $3,000 you would quite possibly do it. Think about it: the closer you are to the goal, the more pumped up the average person will be to send in a little bit and contribute towards the goal. It's the whole "They're almost there, so let's just send in this or that much." Maybe try doing that next time?

With all that said, looking forward to hearing the new disc. :)

We thought about a lower goal, but considering all the rewards we were offering, $3,000 wouldn't cut it and we'd still be taking a loss. Mastering and duplication of CDs alone are almost $3,000 - putting shirts, stickers, and DVDs on top of that will push us over $6,000. I couldn't imagine how much it would have cost if I didn't record the band at my own studio. And they're lucky I didn't log my hours and electric bill into the equation as well! :lol:

We may run another campaign for just the DVD, because we did spend a lot of time filming sessions and we don't want that to go to waste. It just doesn't make sense spending dollars and time on it and have like 17 people buy it.
Why did you go through all that trouble if you didn't feel completely comfortable in having a market for the product?

With the sales of previous albums, we felt quite comfortable that we were going to hit the goal. It's a shame that it didn't happen and a bit of a bummer, but it won't keep the album from seeing the light of day. The big picture of it is that hard copies of the album will not be mass produced as it most likely would have been had the goal been met.

Thanks to the folks who did support us and we'll keep trying to put out the best music that we feel we can make.

My thought there is that DVD and Live footage is not something every listener is going to want to own. In fact, I'd imagine a very small percentage of any bands fanbase would be interested in one. What I see here is that you tried to estimate the sale of a new product (DVD) based on the past sales of a wholly different product (CD), in a market that is shifting primarily from physical format desire to digital format desire.

I mean, what I'm reading from Greg's posts is that he, at least, is upset at the people who didn't donate anything, rather than the idea that the product didn't sell, and it leads me to believe you didn't put a whole lot of market research into this to begin with. I might be way off base with this, it IS the internet after all, but that's hardly the point.

I imagine it's like spending time and effort into procuring a 2000 person venue in the middle of Siberia because you played to a crowd of 2000 in NYC.
Hey Greg,

I aslo went for the $25.00. It is a shame but I'm looking forward to buy the physical copy. I'm old school and I don't really care about the digital download. I like to the whole package. I'm 42 and my collection is damn big and I'll always support the artist for his work. Let me know when and how to buy a copy. All the best. God bless!

I have purchased the previous two physical CDs. I too am really only interested in a physical product. A few people have asked now: If you are not massproducing CDs, does that mean there will be no CDs available at all? I assume that would be the case, but I just wanted to be sure. Producing on demand would consist of CDRs and computer-printed booklets at best, I assume.

I am not complaining. The band needs to spend their money as they see fit. Consumers do the same.
Why did you go through all that trouble if you didn't feel completely comfortable in having a market for the product?

The KickStarter was launched to find out what our market is and what people want. We weren't asking for donations, we were seeing what people's interests actually are. If it were successful, the products would have been funded and created. Since it wasn't, no one paid any money and we got the message that not enough people care about the DVD for us to go through the trouble of actually making it.

Frankly, I'm more excited by bands' DVDs and the making-ofs than the actual music sometimes!
The KickStarter was launched to find out what our market is and what people want. We weren't asking for donations, we were seeing what people's interests actually are. If it were successful, the products would have been funded and created. Since it wasn't, no one paid any money and we got the message that not enough people care about the DVD for us to go through the trouble of actually making it.

Frankly, I'm more excited by bands' DVDs and the making-ofs than the actual music sometimes!

I wouldn't be too quick to think that not enough people care about the dvd, the KickStarter may be too new of a concept. I was a last couple day donator as I didn't read all the way through the post, and once I understood what you guys were doing is when I jumped on board. I hope you guys eventually do get it out as I'd be picking it up. Good luck. And put me in the camp that only wants the physical copy, I'm not a bid downloader.
I wouldn't be too quick to think that not enough people care about the dvd, the KickStarter may be too new of a concept.
Absolutely! I have to admit, I didn't know anything about KickStarter until you guys posted this. Then the first thing it wanted was for me to make an account and sign in. I very much did not want to, but did for the cause. I'm sure there were many who decided not to. I would suggest looking into other ways to get pledges along side KickStarter.
And put me in the camp that only wants the physical copy, I'm not a bid downloader.

I love how everyone jumps on the fact that people still want physical copies whenever someone states that the market is shifting towards digital. It's like people who preferred tapes hanging on when CD's were introduced.

The Physical Medium isn't going to go away completely, not for at least 5 years. Maybe 10. You aren't going to have to worry about not getting a physical product for some time, I promise. However, the cost to produce a physical copy as compared to the cost to produce a digital copy (not to mention the convenience) is too insurmountably huge to ignore as technology (especially mobile) evolves and consumers from my generation and the generation after me start entering the fray.

There will still be a place for CDs, just like, somehow, there is still a place for records. This place will simply continue to shrink as we continue our march to the future.
I love how everyone jumps on the fact that people still want physical copies whenever someone states that the market is shifting towards digital. It's like people who preferred tapes hanging on when CD's were introduced.
Well, frankly digital can't ever really match a physical copy for some things. I just did an update to iTunes and for some reason it lost a bunch of music from my library. I keep getting the "can't find location" error message for a number of my favorite CD's. Some I have the physical copy and can reload, some I don't and I'm really unhappy. (Anyone know why that happens?) Also, you don't get any artwork or lyrics with the digital. Yea, you can get it online, but it's not the same. While I've been moving towards digital for the expediency of getting the music right away, I prefer the hard copy. And BTW, the only reason most people stuck with tapes when CD's came out was because in the beginning the CD's and players were really expensive and who had the $$ to replace their equipment and whole library?