Hey Gregg, what about sites like bandcamp or mindawn? Their digital releases are available with booklets and multiple formats including FLAC. Mindawn doesn't have booklets, but has all downloads in FLAC format. Just a thought, as I get stuff from both sites all the time.
+1 on Mindawn!

Hell, listening to an album right now that I recently got off of Mindawn - CETi -
Shadow of the Angel. The thing is, the FLAC downloads cost the same (and sometimes cheaper) then getting the same thing off of Amazon or iTunes (if it is even available on Amazon or iTunes, which I've found more often that it is not). I end up burning the FLACs to CD and playing them on the CD player instead of through my music server.
As for the iTunes question, do a search on the music files (or at least look if they are still in the same place). It is very unlikely that iTunes would've deleted the files simply due to an upgrade.
And lastly, back to the topic at hand. I was prepared to pledge, but I forgot as I got busy the past week, plus I was also in the camp that I did not want to create yet another account on yet another website. I am very interested in the physical copy as myself. First, because I have all three of the previous albums on CD and would like to "keep my collection complete" by having this new one on CD as well. I do like digital downloads as a matter of convenience (and is much easier than to hassle with import copies of albums. How many times I've seen an album on Amazon that is listed as "import" and charging $40 for it, only to have the MP3 album for like $8?) But in the end, I much prefer the better sound quality of the physical copy when it is available. Even though I did not get to pledge, do at least count me down for a physical copy when they become available.
Also to add, if you MUST go digital only, please, for the love of God and everything Audiophile, offer it in full lossless FLAC format! Not is just MP3 - even if you must charge an extra dollar or two for it (like Mindawn does). I've listened to your music enough to know how good your stuff is typically recorded. A few years ago, I was in Indianapolis and playing
A Great Divide to a room full of audiophiles, on a $20,000 pair of speakers, fronted by another $30,000 worth of electronics and I've seen quite a few jaws drop to the floor! One guy went and copied the website off the back of the jewel case! So, please, at least give us the ability to download in a full resolution, lossless format and not mangle it up as MP3 only if no physical copy will be made available.