New Testament

It's definitely better than the rest of the trash (did you see what I did there? I'm awesome!) being delivered from that scene currently... in comparison, its a gold plated record that descended from the promised land.
Sick leave eh? Tell it we need a doctor's note, because it used up all the FMLA it had in the 90s, and we're ready to fire it.

It's at the old Exodus studio, and they're going to have a keg AND a vending machine filled with beer. THAT is about as thrash as you can get.
thrash is trendy in the US now. The whole retro thing is very hip.

The same thing is going on in hip hop. Groups like the Cool Kids, kids who were not even born back then rocking 80s gear, dressing like Back to the Future extras and buying members only jackets on ebay for 200 bucks.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with teens listening to Razor and Xentrix, it's just that the music of bands like Hatchet and the like doesn't sound that sincere to me and looks like a bunch of bandwagon hopping to me.

Municipal Waste are definitely an exception to the rule though, I think.