new thread for everybody


New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2006
In hell
Hey everybody, what's up? I'm new to the forum, one of Broderick's worst students:p ... I suck BIG-TIME!:zombie: Anyway... uhhh... I try to play my guitar and stuff.
I just wanted to say whatttup to :notworthy Chris:notworthy , good luck on the :kickass: tour man!:Puke: Talk atcha lata-
Welcome. You won't ever suck more than me. Chris laughs when I try to play my killer Smoke on the Water or Enter Sandman.
P.A.T. said:
Hey everybody, what's up? I'm new to the forum, one of Broderick's worst students:p ... I suck BIG-TIME!:zombie: Anyway... uhhh... I try to play my guitar and stuff.
I just wanted to say whatttup to :notworthy Chris:notworthy , good luck on the :kickass: tour man!:Puke: Talk atcha lata-

Dude, it's about freekin' time you registered on the Broderick forum!:kickass: Since Chris' gonna be gone on tour, this will be our new way of bugging the hell out of him!:lol: Don't forget you still need to teach me those arpeggios you showed me on Friday.:rock:
P.A.T. said:
Hey everybody, what's up? I'm new to the forum, one of Broderick's worst students:p ... I suck BIG-TIME!:zombie: Anyway... uhhh... I try to play my guitar and stuff.
I just wanted to say whatttup to :notworthy Chris:notworthy , good luck on the :kickass: tour man!:Puke: Talk atcha lata-
Alright people don't let the humble P.A.T fool you. He is a great player and he has a very unique way of thinking about the instrument which allows his to come up with killer riffs that others might not come across on the guitar.

Thanks for posting, and I still want to hear some stuff posted soon. I will bug you about it when I get back.

Calippo Tecks said:
Welcome at the forum! killer riffs ay? nice to hear, maybe you could post something for us so we can enjoy them! :)
I keep bugging him about it, but he is to stingy with his riffs Ahahaha!!!!

All kidding aside I think Pat should get something recorded.

Geesh... maybe I should really write an entire song and not sing anything and record it! Thanks for the compliments though :heh: blushes:heh: